I’m trying to figure out if they’re saying he’s pretending he’s on the beach by using VR, or that he brought his PC to the beach?
I’m trying to figure out if they’re saying he’s pretending he’s on the beach by using VR, or that he brought his PC to the beach?
It’s about ethics in video game streaming
Probably a smart idea to push the game out to a less-busy period where it might get more attention. And it makes sense to release it to the backers early since they already bought it.
Seems this Street Fighter is like Alpha in more ways than one ;-)
Did the original GOWIII have a photo mode? Because there seems to be one in the remaster now.
It reminds me of some of the superhero movies that take themselves just a bit too seriously. Lighten up, have a bit of fun with it, and you could have something even more special!
This is interesting to me because generally I was hoping this console generation being x86-based would produce more parity than ever before. Are we seeing a larger number of games being ported to PC than before and a select few are poor so they stand out, or is it actually more challenging now for some reason?
Hey everyone’s controllers run out of juice every now and again :-)
Other classics collections have been very popular, so this is a no-brainer. What’s a bit odd is this one will be Microsoft exclusive.
Wow, that’s a pretty good record, actually! As we know a lot can change in a year, especially with game development, I expected far worse.
I’d rather drop frames than friends
I would call this a half-hearted cash-in if it weren’t for that Challenge Mode. That sounds interesting... IF implemented well. If it randomly remixes gameplay segments from all games does that imply you could wield powerups from across games to be used in other places they were never intended? That sounds exciting,…
Freddy Krueger doesn’t realize not everyone has blades for fingers and can make the precise cuts he can
Thanks for answering my question! If you ask me, you’re delivering us plenty :-)
Now, a number of months after your departure hopefully things have settled out a bit. Is there anything about this new business that still terrifies you when you wake up in the morning / try to sleep at night?
Yeah, looks like it could use some tweaking:
Is this kind of interaction typical for Microsoft? Is it atypical of their competitors (Nintendo and Sony)? If so, it’s no wonder devs have become reluctant to make games for Microsoft’s consoles. Surely we are only hearing one side of the story, but this treatment (demanding major features be added, with no…
Wouldn't surprise me if Sony IT went a little delete crazy after last year's hacks. Oops