
Yes but at least the current one didn’t represent a downgrade on the previous incumbent (which has been the overwhelming trend for some time). Still crap, but, you know, baby steps.

I’m guessing any version that doesn’t revolve around John-Boy Walton is bound to feel a bit more authentic.

I’ve never watched Documentary Now because I suspect I would never know what they are parodying. But Cate Blanchett and Harriet Walter is a hell of a draw.

It’s all part of the “anti-woke” culture wars (or what used to be characterised as “it’s political correctness gone mad”). Our Home Secretary (who resigned as Home Secretary 6 days ago after a security breach, but who today feels qualified to accept the same job) likes to rant about the “Guardian-reading, tofu-eating

Nowhere. He was Doctor Who rather than The Doctor and had Tardis rather than The Tardis.



I agree with a lot of that. With respect to the old Doctors coming back, I liked the fact that they made sure all the Doctors who made their own reboot after not being asked to appear in the 50th Anniversary show (the Five(ish) Doctors - look for it online if you haven’t seen it) were included.

But does seem like a nice guy.

Coming to this very late as I have finally finished this having belatedly decided to give it a go. I agree that its portrayal of gay characters just being people who happen to be gay, rather than people struggling against injustice, is a refreshing step forward. But as a comedy it was good but not great. I liked

“never explain,” especially when it comes to what the hell an egg yolk omelet is.”

Ah - that would explain why he was bigging up his stuntmen so much.

The man literally rewatched GoldenEye and streamed himself doing it live!

It’s also how decent people work as well.  But given it’s Hoffman...

This is giving off strong “Ross and Emily’s Wedding in Friends” vibes.

Kate Bush - Hammer Horror

In Hathaway’s case a lot of it comes from women, so while misogyny is obviously an element of it, it’s far from the whole story.

That’s generally the definition of a huge star.

The “line” is a dot to these people, to paraphrase Joey in Friends.

I’d heard that as well, but I don’t think it stands up as she was originally cast just to be a dead body and a homecoming queen photo. But then Lynch gradually discovered she was a decent actor and started building up her part, first through flashbacks, then as Maddie, and then in Fire Walk With Me. Obviously Lynch