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Absolutely with you on both counts. The Sherman piece reminded me a bit of this from the UK.

The discrepancy is now 7.  What is wrong with people?!

I suspect I’ll stick with Doctor Who for a while yet. I dropped out of classic Who soon after Peter Davison left (and had been finding it a chore for a while even then).

Mine was at Forest Hills, so keeping people quiet would have just accentuated the sound of the LIRR trains passing by.

I may have given you a star but I’m still trying to work out how sirslud (currently) has two fewer stars than you for posting the set up. Did two people think that his post was just a random statement that you managed to find a hilarious punchline for?

Hmm - I saw him in 2019 and he didn’t do that.

Came here to say much the same. When I saw Some Like it Hot at 2, I assumed it was 1.

Ian Anderson must be very sad that he is no longer the person everybody thinks first of, as a popular music fl(a)utist.  Still, at least he still has his Heavy Metal Grammy.

I was about to say that the US version seems to have gone to the place being open for guests a lot quicker, but then I saw the first season was 18 episodes which is equivalent to 3 UK seasons, so maybe not.  I’m glad it’s doing well as I hope that will tempt more people to try the UK version which is really very good

Including regular concerns about his health due to misreading King Charles III as King Charles Ill.

Very similar to Betteridge’s Law of Headlines.  If a headline consists of a question that may be answered yes or no, the answer is no.

I’m assuming that it’s referring to the key line that Snape says about Harry’s mother (“Always”), but I don’t think that qualifies it as a pun.

I suspect I will be buying the book. The excerpts in The Guardian are great, and I’ve been quoting them at my wife over the last couple of days.

I agree with a lot of that. Particularly the point about the Harry Potter section of Universal which comfortably predated Disney’s Avatar section.

Speaking of art collectors, Ahoy!

It was poor, but given the cast I’m willing to give them a second chance.

I can’t think of any sci-fi stories that could possibly be set in New Mexico.


I highly recommend (if you have a couple of hours to spare) watching Brosnan watching GoldenEye, on YouTube.  He comes across as such a nice guy, living the dream in Hawaii doing stuff like this just because he’s been asked.

I’d like to think the Director wasn’t just “protecting” BDH, but stopping a studio executive from acting like a dick.