Paul E misplaced his star

Dealer will take the snow one as a trade-in for a 15% discount for the VIN etching on windows

When does the local Ford dealer show up to slap a 20k market adjustment on it?

Ringleader: “We will just stop him on a narrow section of road where he cannot go around us. I have thought of everything!”

That’s what happens when you fall behind on your rural community spay and neuter program.

I know I’m just some rando on the internet but sorry to hear about all that.

Plus lots of cheap hydropowered electricity. So it's cheaper to run an electric car.

You’re damn right that Norway should be proud of their fjords, Slartibartfast won an award for them!

More unheralded innovation. The first car to practice introspection.

did anyone ever need the Citation? I consider it more of a punishment. 

These are much better than a Citation.

Not all parties in that vehicle were on board with the purchase of that green square. Now they’re not talking and separated as much as possible for the ride home.

Alex Jones, is that you?

Gee! Your hair smells like cigarettes!

I came up with #34 or #17. All States are Florida to some extent or another. From Football Florida (Alabama) to Abandoned Florida (Wyoming). Ohio is about 34th in the alphabetical list and 17th in admission to the Union.

I *totally* get it. But I hate it and refuse to have any part of it for myself.

Better be a muffuletta or nothing.

Now playing

Ah, so the oil comes from outside the environment.

I wrenched on my car all the time in the garage I kept it in on Myrtle Ave in Brooklyn. The guy there was much happier for me to just wrench on it instead of taking it out, because then he didn’t have to move all the cars around.

I don’t disagree with this. I’ve grown up with guns my whole life, we used to get .22 shells in our christmas stockings and we helped my dad load his own shells (which we now d0), and everyone in my family would be onboard with this. Guns are serious business, and it’s an American right to be able to own them, but

I wouldn’t take this on a super long trip but would 100% rock this as my tailgate rig. Just 45 miles from my place to Memorial Stadium in Lincoln, three hours to Arrowhead, <five hours to Kinnick, 7 hours to Ryan Field... This could be a match made in heaven.