Big cities in Nebraska? It's Omaha and Lincoln. Then the football stadium on game days in Lincoln. That's it. One has to travel another hundred or so miles west to the next area code.
Big cities in Nebraska? It's Omaha and Lincoln. Then the football stadium on game days in Lincoln. That's it. One has to travel another hundred or so miles west to the next area code.
Let's not forget aircooled VeeDub gearboxes. I've witnessed one of those burn really, really well.
However, that requires one actually LOOK out their windshield...
Sadly, no. Darts are assembled in the Belvidere, IL plant.
And before that, the W126-bodied Mercedes S-Class and the Lexus LS400.
There's too many, but these immediately come to mind:
Let's not forget its affiliated magazines:
Nice "Mad Max" wheels. There looks to be enough good bits left that perhaps its best use is in parting the entire thing out.
It's only a bad storm if Jim Cantore shows up in your town days in advance. Otherwise, no big deal.
"Is that standard or miniature poodles?"
You could say... that somebody flipped out when they tried to cut corners...
SW Cedar Rapids: Say no more....
Now Toyota has its own Crayon color for roasted minivans... Burnt Sienna!
Look! It's the new Dodge Derango!
Nice Price. This one's a clean survivor, and should be preserved, not restored. These are sweet driving cars, especially out on the open road, where they'll cruise and cruise fast. I owned an '87 TC back in the day, and thoroughly enjoyed the car... except in the winter, when it was scary as any Fox-bodied car in…
Obscure? You mean, like both many drivers and LEOs totally ignore?
Let's not forget the julien-sliced carrots...
Gorgeous and super-rare '68 Imp. That particular model's been on my automotive bucket list since childhood, when a friend's dad brought one of those home, to go with the other several Imperials of varying vintages (this, back in the mid-late 70s.
Yes, here—exactly.
Based on the flash of the freeway off-ramp sign at :18 in ("Charles Lemoyne Hospital, 1.something km) and some applied google-fu, it's quite likely it's in the Montreal, QC suburb of Greenfield Park.