
That is not what they said. They said they would break away if the vote was positive regardless of turnout.

Confirmed. Installed a week ago, and although it is not the absolute best shower head ever, it is not far from it. All for around US$20!

Confirmed. Installed a week ago, and although it is not the absolute best shower head ever, it is not far from it.

There is NOTHING stopping universities/colleges from paying adjuncts more than they do.

I may have flipped that example around. It’s “par-sta” here in the US where I live.

If you want to fight for families, you have to get into politics. The merch is not very interesting, the snacks are never vegan, and a lot of the other people involved are obnoxious and never shut up. But that’s civic life—forever in need of a new paint job, forever in need of someone in charge of marketing who

I was born in the UK, have lived in the US for 28 years, and I can assure you that the simplest way to go from US English to UK (Southern) English and back is to follow a very simple rule:

Absolutely not my experience.

Absolutely not my experience.

Words in general have little meaning anymore. We invent words on the fly, change definitions of what established words mean to fit our political sensibilities and we outright turn words into insults whenever it suits us.

“BATON ROUGE, LA—As punishing wind and rain from the former Hurricane Harvey made landfall, government officials urged Louisiana residents Wednesday to evacuate dangerous lower income brackets. “Given the extent of the potential destruction, we urge anyone in the path of the storm to make their way to higher median

I’m also an old white guy reading Jezebel for the same reason. And yet I can imagine Baldwin (and others) pursuing that line of questioning with a male documentarian. Not sure what that says about either of us.

There’s going to some Collateral damage from that reveal ...

But he’s not a rapper!

Let’s say that over the course of 2 years, 50 million people each pay $1 to see it. What should happen to the money? Or should they not pay $1 to see it? Even if they pay $0.01 to see it, that’s still $500,000 ... what would happen to that?

Dad shorts?!? What’s a link to some non-dad shorts? Gotta let the surfer boys in OBX know what to look for ....

Anyone who adds the word “homeland” to “America” has stepped off the cliff in my book. We live in America. Other countries are ... other countries. There is no “American homeland”, other than some BS that GWB’s administration cooked up after 9/11. It makes me ashamed as a new citizen to see this country described in

You don’t think that this:

It’s not enough to love Massive Attack.

At some point, US journalists are going to have learn some techniques from their British counterparts.

Switzerland doesn’t seem to be doing so bad. They’re about as close to “true” (direct) democracy as anywhere. Now you’re going to tell me that it works because they are a small, ethnically homogenous country, amirite?

I’m an American (sort of) and so is my wife, and we’re in Europe now. Mostly it’s just nodding sympathy. It helps to be mostly near Brits, who have their own catastrophe in the form of Brexit, but Europeans know that even if they didn’t elect Trump, the particular form of madness that did is present within their