Where are all the "small govt" nutters when it comes to dealerships blocking direct sales? Oh wait...working at those dealerships :D
Where are all the "small govt" nutters when it comes to dealerships blocking direct sales? Oh wait...working at those dealerships :D
Murica loves four door crossovers. This has all the aesthetics of a Croc
To me MotoGP carries on that initial crazy spirit of danger mixed with technology that made early F1 what it was. Today's F1 is more like a predictable Karting game where you only ever wonder if an accident or mechanical failure will interrupt the slog to finish.
The series that sold me on the PS3 will bring me to PS4 most likely. I absolutely love these games. Even the Karting game. They're fun and also challenging, but most importantly they just make you smile so much more than any other game out there.
I think that's a bs company statement meant to distract. I think sales are slumping because they fail their own promise. The mini is supposed to be a fun car with a quirky personality. Instead, in most models, you get over-engineered, bloated sedan-type car that's dressed up a bit.
It's like if you were looking for an…
I almost think Honda is soon on track to be more VW than VW. They've slowly killed anything fun or quirky in favour of beiger versions of beige. Kinda fitting even their "Baja" beatle comes in beige..even something that should be balls out fun...comes in lackluster and "sand colored" LOL
Glad you said it. Way too many online "journalists" judging a bike they haven't ridden based solely on their old person take on the marketing. They've forgotten that riders are supposed to be an inclusive group who welcome all looking to flee their cages and experience a bit of wind on their travels.
It's odd too bc…
Maybe the manual is slower when they're shifting, but put me behind the wheel... ;)
"While those would likely produce a V8 roar so glorious that it would make bald eagles shed a single, proud tear, neither have quite the history of ruining Enzo Ferrari's day." - brought a tear to my eye already. Beautifully written :)
I would say one is for the occasional outdoorsman with a bit of style and the other is for the driver who has simply given up in life.
I'm in a love hate relationship with these types of releases. It's cool that they're embracing that not all bikes should look like transformer alien bees...but then hate (well hates a bit strong) that they do the cafe for you. Part of the appeal is working the bike yourself. If I'm going to cafe or otherwise customise…
The front grille makes the mustang look like it put in a mouthguard and is ready to fight.
Otherwise I'm still seeing super taurus in this car. It's not a pony car...it's an old overgrown horse. That's good for some things, but I hope they eventually reign this one in or give us a useable backset for all that size.
Awesome car AND it has a backseat. I'm a long time mustang lover, but they keep increasing the size and it still a backseat even Tyrion Lanister would disapprove of. The Challenger really is the total package...very enjoyable drivers car, great classic looks and it's used its size well so you can carry friends and…
There is no excusing that interior at that price point. That team needs to be demoted to 90's Chevy design team...
Car companies in general need to grow a pair. Shades of gray, one blue, one red and if you're lucky a burnt orange of some kind is the most usually on offer. Look at Challenger swatches from the 70's. Now there's choice!
Ten of the Most Click Baity Titles I Could Think of...is definitely up there on the list. Also all Gawker site's articles with "hipster" unnecessarily buried in there.
That's quite the weekend movie fest line up :P
Glad some people are calling out the new designs. Too big, bloated and lacking any design charm. If we're going to have no useable backseat can't they build it off the fiesta frame and shrink the overall weight? I think that would be much closer to the classic stangs everyone loves?
The Jeep Wrangler Dragon Model. It's like what a 17 year old kid would drive in Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift 2 Off Road Drifting - http://www.jeep.com/en/limited-edi…
Blue, typing though, no gaming.
Blue, typing though, no gaming.