in Singapore there are Aunties who will teach you. Crazy old alcoholic Chinese ladies. Just bring canned beer and money for them to win off of you... this is not a joke. They really will teach you like this
in Singapore there are Aunties who will teach you. Crazy old alcoholic Chinese ladies. Just bring canned beer and money for them to win off of you... this is not a joke. They really will teach you like this
Have loved all videos to date and was of course awesome....but far less than I'd hoped. Really didn't want to sound like a hater or something, but it's really lost a lot of it's lustre. The specially made course actually makes it less special as you know it's been setup to moves he knows can do rather than a great…
Shouldn't that be a wake up moment for the guy? Not to be too mean, but that character was drawn as the epitome of what's wrong with (WOW) gamers right? So the fact that you can easily pull of the look should make you reexamine things no?
Like if you were a female and could pull of a Honey Boo Boo (the human thumb)…
if only for a few minutes at a time - if only. Come to SE Asia where these things will often render the machine unusable for hours.
Worse than this is waiting hours to download a game from PS store...then 5 -30mins for install...then go to play needs an update before you can play. have us download the most…
I lost 20kgs doing IF and trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu twice a day 5-6 days a week while doing it. Those who think you lose energy are way off...if anything I had more energy and enjoyed not feeling sluggish mid day (I only ate after training).
Huge Sweet Tooth fan, never heard of the others. Thanks for the recs!
Gnarls Barkley was my first thought as well.
With recent track records on just about any piece of hardware being released, anyone who buys one out of the gate should do so knowing full well it will probably have something wonky with it. Any complaints from these folks should be auto deleted so those with common sense don't have to wade through loads of posts…
If you think this is bad, try putting a sprig of tarragon or some other herb someplace it doesn't belong on a "classic French dish" and see those guys flip the f%$# out.
Add ons are junk for the beg gear and laughable at the price point for the 5Dmkiii. There will be better deals on Canon stuff out shortly. I thought this was their real deals they tend to do every couple of years when the camera bodies/lenses are about to get an update.
Should really advise people to wait. They…
So this was the Japanese original for Bring it On. Hollywood is always losing a bit in the American translation....
Damn it's like they've completely ignored those of us who wait until these games go for free on plus. Why do we always get screwed? :P
Instead of Werewolf we really enjoy Saboteur.
Also, the Spartacus board games won't leave you with many friends.
If the student was a consenting adult who the F cares? People get torn up and manipulated psychologically in a standard relationship one loses jobs. Is it kind of creepy, to me I get a say in the sexual choices of other adults...NO.
If you can make decisions like attending a prestigious track school…
If you take, let's say, the video for Rabbit in Your Headlights they use the ambient sounds to great effect to enhance the story of the music video. This one...why exactly do we need to hear the buffalo or whatever running?
Can't even tell if I like the song as all I can hear is crappy sound effects that are louder…
Yeah I was looking for someone to point this out. Fat Free almost always = more sugar. Always go full fat or if you worry that much don't eat the product to begin with...
Yeah I was looking for someone to point this out. Fat Free almost always = more sugar. Always go full fat or if you worry that much don't eat the product to begin with...
I went to their International school and can assure you, it's far from cooler than any school anywhere. They slap up some fancy design on the walls...but doesn't make up for a whole mess of crap underneath.
Remember that cheating article posted about Thai schools? Worse here I guarantee.
It is not and will never be a big deal. That it won't go way...other's have pointed it out, but you guys are keeping it alive. Let them blog their retorts and opinions...and don't cover it for us to read. Simple.
That an immature gaming/nerd culture comic made an immature joke and offended people is not newsworthy…
"That means that hours and hours of creative, brilliant work were thrown out"
Wish they could have compiled this for Brave instead of what was shown....