Paul Cypert

Sweet! One less thing to download. It will never touch one of my devices.

We've got to stand up to this nonsense. Game companies are going entirely too far. Ransoming out play time is a huge deal breaker (as bad as always connected or required online for non online games).

How is it TV is getting better (Netflix

Hot damn, 5 dollar app for only 200-800 dollars depending on plan purchased! With crazy sales like this it's hard to believe Apple ever turns a profit....

"shots that look like this" - basically a portrait shot with off camera lighting. Looks like any shot with with strobe and heavy fill lighting. It's a good way to get a bunch of clean shots for say a company About Us page but honestly almost verges on the edge of too flat white for my tastes on most faces.

I'm not suggesting, but outright stating. It's like the Olympics for cheaters and university test time. You have no idea how clever they can be and how RAMPANT cheating is here. They already control the clothes you wear, the pens allowed, the shoes you can wear in some, the calculators allowed to use, the proximity of

Also this picture originally came from Coconuts and took on it's own life. It's still not been verified if a Uni wide thing, a one-off or if was just a statement on the hoops uni students have to jump through over here.

As someone who's actually attended Uni in Bangkok I can say this is borderline too little. There are kids who spend way more time coming up with cheats than studying. This really doesn't even seem than invasive to what goes on normally during test time (just the major two - midterm and finals).

Buying the unlocks in PvZ2 is like ordering souvenir shirts online for trips you never took. You CAN do it, but why the f$%^ would you? And your friends totally SHOULD make fun of you for doing so...

Season 2 is where the first one really started taking off. Hoping the same for this one...

I have yet to find something I can't do that I really want to on VLC and it's 5 dollars me no point even trying it out.

What a good boy, he wore his tie :)

They're good recommendations (actually I really do think people should try to do all of them) and I'm not just trying to be a hater, but they are kinda thin on science.

Not as much "science" as i would have thought. Was thinking basic things like get outside and get vitamin D from the sun when you can (and links to reports on positive effects of real vitamin D) or other more grounded things than imagine the world's a better place LOL.

What if they're laying in scratches to a track? Or maybe wants to "perform" some of the pieces a bit more live. There's a lot of ways it could be used for an audio workstation outside of just rehearsing dj mixes...

A truly terrible system. Exploiting loopholes in businesses return policy is not the way to make the best purchase. You need to learn to read through the various levels of reviews online to know how to purchase:

It'll take more than a custom printed controller to erase memories of RROD 360's. Early adopters in this case deserve what frustrations they will eventually endure.

Comic Book Lover used to be my favorite and now it won't bring any comics in correctly to the iPad and I've given up on it. Now I'm really left with a gap for the best software for both Computer and Ipad/Iphone...

I understand what you're saying, but it comes across very wrong. I play mandolin as an example. There were some people that hated when Oh Brother came out and there was this "bluegrass" resurgence. Some hated all the new people coming in and snatching up instruments, driving prices, up, etc....

Jessica Rabbit

Yeah man, spend some time in Asia and you'll start dropping pounds overnight. They're not shy about pointing out how much larger we are...and it is significant. Those we now deem "average" are overweight in most instances. America has a disease....

Who else only clicked through to get the screensaver? LOL