If you didn't manage to beat Contra I'd say you failed childhood.
That Simon's Quest Ending is the one you see when you suck at Simon's Quest. Beat it quicker and see em win happy (was this one of the first games with a timed second ending?)
If you didn't manage to beat Contra I'd say you failed childhood.
That Simon's Quest Ending is the one you see when you suck at Simon's Quest. Beat it quicker and see em win happy (was this one of the first games with a timed second ending?)
I have a sponge bob sandwich press that works well enough :P
Yeah your numbers a bit more on. I've been in perpetual study since leaving college or have been dating teachers so always snagged an EDU copy LOL.
An InDesign competitor is very important. I always forget that one as I do most of my work with Bridge/Photoshop...but do still have some print clients and help with some…
I was happiest with CS3 but they forced my upgrade by not supporting my camera...I shouldn't have taken the bait though and should have just added a diff RAW converter to my workflow....
All it means to me is what was once a 200-400 dollar upgrade every couple of years is now a forced 1200 a year. Screw Adobe...I'm looking into alternates no matter how much I have to cut my workflow back and limit some of my post processing. I only updated anyways because they FORCE it for RAW data handling...so will…
I've modified my body through tattooing so I always feel bad hating on those who go in for plastic surgery (feels a bit unfair to judge those who choose other ways of modifying their bodies), but damn girl, stop it.
Thank You! Prequels are LAZY. They take what's at best a momentary, "Oh that's how that happened" and spread it out over 2+ hours...boring. You could do just as much by having Sequels and have a flashback that shows some origin bits mixed in...best of both worlds.
I've loved many stories and properties through the…
I got goosebumps just reading the name "Don't Blink" love that episode. That and the Van Gogh one are masterpieces.
I don't get the defense of this guy some feel...he was rude to a large segment of people and quite snide and elitist about it. Yes he might be good at other facets of the job, but if he's that dismissive of large sections of the population he's not the man I'd like to be in charge of any project development.
Why the fear Microsoft? They butchered the hell out of Res Evil and it hasn't hurt anything there LOL.
Note for video and slower shutter speeds that many of these flicker quite a bit...
Idiot. Should lose job immediately. It's a ridiculous ask...forget America for a bit Microsoft...the rest of the world can't always be on or live in places where it's spotty. In Bangkok I'll lose internet connection with rain, a car driving down the road, who knows...little things can send it off.
But beyond that I…
I used to work near a one page book place in Texas. They make for great wall art...particularly in the classroom.
Really, and I'm honestly not trying to be a jaded cynic here, if it weren't for RSS Readers I would have given up on Gawker sites ages ago. I've hated each redesign more and more as they move away from usability (to me, I'm sure it must work for someone).
The only way I can stand to get the information is through a…
I've been wanting an iPhone or iPad Bemo for a while now. Someone please really make one :(
Ive been rewatching as well. The show lends itself much better to back to back viewing due to the subtle nature of the writing. Week to week watching gets a bit hazy with GOT unless you spend time online reading people's breakdowns (boring).
I'm excited. I had a blast playing both Infamous titles...though I did get both free through Plus deals. This might be first I outright purchase. I'd go so far as to say the most under-appreciated series on last console generation. Sure there were better games released, but I had a blast playing both of these through…
Yeah it no longer seems to be a featured thing, but if you dig can still find some of the games for like 5 bucks I think....was a couple days ago when I checked.
This has uses beyond faking instagram effects and can be used to help correct color in images as well....
Had to make sure someone had made the joke LOL