Paul Cypert

Kotaku listing the consoles you actually play the game on clearly in the article?! 2013 looks to be a brave new year.

As many others have said, you have it backwards. Tom did well here. That other idiot goaded him into it and deserved the reply.

I hope the writing is better than art direction on some of these covers. I know they say not to judge books this way, but a few of these are atrocious

Used to now I don't have anything but an iced americano plain. Nothing to spike glucose levels or anything else early in the day. I have much more energy and control of my appetite by not eating early in the day (most days don't have lunch before training as well).

well done :)

I find that fasting through most of the day gives me MORE energy (after the initial start where body is losing addictions to eating). I'm more sluggish mid day when I break the fast around late lunch rather than after training (close to 8-830pm). I have more energy than most others I know, and other friends who have

Would be a slick move if they'd offer em up free through Plus. A way of saying sorry that also probably scores them some points with Playstation I'd wager.

They ban the only thing that would make a visit to federal building bearable... :(

I see a new 200 dollar Lomo camera coming to market soon....

The whole area is just more relaxed than the rest of the world. Even Muay Thai has a gentleman's agreement to feel each other out in the first round and take things slow LOL.

Not the only species in SE Asia that enjoys breaks, lack of activity and general laziness....

"whopping" - written in 2008 in reference to hard drives LOL.

Photography not that great and her face is a bit weird. Little bit of overacting on some...guess that's why we only know of her as Chris H's gf. But could they could enjoy this together and nerd out on a great game as a couple :)

Did i miss a Princess Buttercup?

“Look at it! It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, man! Let me go out there and let me get one wave, just one wave before you take me in. I mean, come on man, where I am I gonna go? Cliffs on both sides! I’m not gonna paddle my way to New Zealand! Come on, compadre. Come on!”

I've said it on another thread, but this new way of putting crap up is even more annoying than the gallery view. Particularly annoying when the lists are over 10 and you have to click more to read. I'll just not bother...

Often celebs choose something like this so that they can get to place quicker due to the stoppage that occurs from constant fan hassling. It's not as prissy as it seems...due to them not being able to move around freely due to fame.

They actually figured out a system worse than gallery and implemented it. I'm honestly amazed.

I was hoping they'd have C.H.U.D.'s

I'm curious with Gawker adjective use lately. Amazing, awesome, incredible just getting tossed around lately. There's a long club shot that anyone could shoot on any budget and an OK for amateur car scene....nothing that blows my mind or really even reminds me of GTA. I wanna see him take down a hooker on the curb and