Paul Cypert

Different day, different way Blizzard works to alienate it's gamers. Valve seems with it, Blizzard seems like the increasingly crotchety old man who doesn't want kids playing in his yard.

yeah i guess the season arc of "air" is more about fluidity of spirit as an overall theme. Def could have done more with connecting to what's fluid and spiritual in an increasingly technological age...but has been done a bunch I guess.

Have Korra finally get in touch with Aang and her other past lives - Yes because Aang had an Avatar state even earlier, and the question I kept asking was why hasn't she triggered Avatar state yet? It was a big question for me, so glad she got it. Aang had connections to others even earlier in his life.

According to Chinese news, THEY had the first face eating attack

Sadly she'll be serving time for stealing Wii shovel ware her kids never played

Are tricky puzzles the new thing of the month on TV then? Otherwise this won't work...first gun shows, then swamp people shows, now this? LOL

Hardcore Buddhists in Thailand wouldn't be debating video games in forums...just saying :P

I've been saying JT, Ben Stiller, and a few other male celebs must all have the same face guy. They're slowly turning into the exact same super stretched back face.

That would be some might fast fanboy skills there. Anyone who can create, edit, and upload a video that fast should get over to the new Legend of Korra and start churning out episodes...

That was expertly crafted. Well worth the wait...even if it doesn't give further hints to the sex (or maybe does, the grunts were a lot more manly than I remember them being in the game)

There are some things this device might actually automate in a useful way, I think for many others though it'll actually result in more time needed on the device or action. We're getting closer though to something that actually does save time and energy rather than just divert it some setup and device maintenance.

Like the setting of a My Little Pony snuff film

I like many of you have long been tired of reaching my hand up multiple inches to labor and struggle with the tyranny of the light switch. Thank you for calling to attention a device that for only 100 dollars will make this daily battle a thing of the past.

Here in Bangkok we have three seasons - hot, hotter, and hot and wet. Chart doesn't apply nor does it have nearly all the fruit available over in this region. You know what's in season by walking out onto the street and seeing what vendors are selling, and whatever they are almost always tastes leaps and bounds better

Why will people endure anything except disciplined eating and exercise? People will spend 1-2 hours watching biggest loser on TV and then talk about how they don't have time to exercise properly or make a healthy meal. They deserve the fat.

Yeah, this doesn't need to be a ThreeA toy i don't think. It's not like it has crazy detail levels or anything. Fingers crossed someone else releases a more reasonable, widely available version.

Takes an extra month or so to get all the good PS3 bugs put in place. By the time I get to enjoy this it will be wonderfully unplayable :)

I live and work in can pretty much forget owning anything or ever being paid usage rights (unless it's my work with bigger Western based clients). So it's forced me to change the way I see things. We make a living at it over here without getting paid repeatedly for one time work.

darkly you have a point there, but to me the iPhone was the first smart phone to put it all into a package that actually worked and worked beyond the business set. Smart phones were great before iPhone, but didn't pay off how they promised in my user experience. I had whatever that Jack Bauer stylus phone was...can't

This is exactly how I look at most wannabe photographers. I can tell right away if they do this daily or just for extra money. When you shoot daily you want as little weight as possible bc that shit adds up crazy fast when you're pulling 3-5 assignments 5-7 days a week.