What kind of crackpots are running things up in Chicago? Free up cops for real Po-lice work (say it like The Wire)? What are these loons thinking? Would they be so dumb as to use the savings to boost the education system, public transpo or others?
What kind of crackpots are running things up in Chicago? Free up cops for real Po-lice work (say it like The Wire)? What are these loons thinking? Would they be so dumb as to use the savings to boost the education system, public transpo or others?
Of course I'd want to be paid more, but I'm inherently selfish like anyone else. If it was my job to make said burger then I don't deserve more money because more people at it though.
So if I make a burger once and someone eats it, I should get paid repeatedly forever? Nope.
You know that excess condensation will lead to mould growing in lenses right? This is a HORRIBLE idea and recommending it to any unsuspecting photographer...nah if they don't know they deserve it.
Blizzard, you're acting like an old, very out of touch game development firm. It starts with worrying about shit like this and ends with really crappy games. Look at Metallica for an example in the music business.
So innovation equals figuring out tweaks to more successful products now?
They really don't want me to play this. I've been excited about this game for 10 fecking years and somehow they consistently make me not want to have anything to do with their game. Fine. You win Blizzard, Torchlight and Bastion and other more fun clicky click games for me.
He should win the gold. He gets like 30 tries to perfect that landing when everyone else only gets 2 or 3...
This vid raise some good questions. Most notably: would you ;) ?
If it could turn my phone into Howard the Duck maybe....
I remember when Kirkman spent a bit of time writing the comics, now time seems heavily divided and what should be a one issue story gets stretched to 10 issues
Wonder if they'll do bighead mode or something else....
Careful with the lead image Giz, Foxcon doesn't like news agencies posting pictures of workers handling smartphones they just built.
When the answer is yes expect a visit from me :D
I would LOVE an Okami remake that didn't involve waggling a fake paint brush that doesn't accurately respond. Quit about a 1/3 of the way into the game on the Wii. Just couldn't deal....
Our sizes are already MONSTROUS compared to XL in the rest of the world. I'm a M in US and XL in Asia. We're entirely too big. At some point it's less a shirt printing job and more of a kid's sheet set they're having to make. Different production lines.
I'm gonna write the next best selling easy answer weight loss fad book. Drink Yo-Self Skinny! Cover important findings like the one above and extra chapters on:
I like the way you think. Let's go down to the trophy store and make us a 10 dollar trophy that gives some guy his 10 mins of fame and us our piles and piles of green. I'm thinking now of all the categories I'd create to test out of folks. Best brownies, best strain, healthiest seeds, best grow set up (so I can steal…
If it's the news around you it's the news around you, but I guess this could be exploited. Best to have an opt out option for personal names in auto complete. Keep bots from deciding how to finish my name LOL
I think I've figured the Space Cake thing out. You just have to pay out like 150 bucks but tons of people are going to bring you loaded stuff. Good way to stay in edibles on the cheap LOL. I'd make a rule, must submit entire tray for extensive testing purposes :P