Paul Cypert

Yeah, true. I don't understand why everyone's first response is, "it's cutting into profits, cut it down." instead of, "people like getting their media this way, how can we monetize this". Bc I think they can still embed ads and do some product placement in episodes and we tolerate it as the price for free content.

This is just licorice tasting liquor...not the real rat poison absinthe. I'm so sick of people claiming to have drank absinthe when all they did was get midlly tipsy.

She's slowly losing her mind. The male turtle visits her daily though and reads her stories of eating leaves together in their early days, and on special days she remembers.

Why networks haven't ditched on air to save costs by letting people share the shows for them is beyond me. They're thinking too slow. Embed some commercials and plug some products in the show, release on torrent, and make more money.

First book that came to my mind! Good call

Just the comics. I saw the book on sale here but didn't pick it up. Kind of annoyed lately that the series doesn't really push forward and you have to look to Playboy and books to get real stories on the characters LOL.

No, I know the evidence (and I know that I said Big Bang particles, was being humorous). I just think we should have some humility about what we know. The things every generation thinks they know for sure is always replaced by later generations who push it further. We think we know, and then later people look back and

"Personally I think it is important to stand up for empathy and open-mindedness when the need arises. The world needs less nasty pessimistic people, or less nastiness and pessimism, or both."

Cool off of ye valiant white knight. First rule of comments online...assume people are being sarcastic. I hope you got it all off your chest and all booth babes at all the gaming conventions have come flocking to your protective wings :)

Really early morning remote is cool...just have to contend with other photographers LOL.

Possibly...but come on. Does that look like a man that ripped out his daughter's teeth or like a man fresh out of Uniglo or Gap?

Hipster governor :(

Wood for the prepper panic fire

I was gonna spend at least that on Bastion anyways. Awesome package!

Guaranteed there will be people writing about us in future : those dumbasses thought it was Big Bang particles.

Girls in Bangkok have to endure a lot, lot more for a hundred bucks. Gain some perspective or look for a new job glorified clothes hanger.

Less people in China is a bit of like saying a diet buffet. I went to a few very remote sections of the wall (was told) but still found it unenjoyable (in Feb and again in Aug). I have seen footage from the busier sections and those were completely awful.

Thanks! Yeah, I hate this trend. I'll be reading an article, get all excited about it...then realize I don't have the system. It's just kind of sloppy and loose...even for a "blog" (forgive my air quotes everyone)

Now any time I apply for a job, gonna put baby washer on as previous work experience somewhere.

So... we traded the fun of Burnout for officially licensed cars?