Paul Cypert

Very nice! I always think I'd like to go to their churches (where I'm absolutely positive they have coffee shops and bookstores and other nonsense) and fashion a whip and just go to town telling them they've missed the point least then I'D be doing something actually biblical LOL

Not interested in anything they're marketing until they have some killer pew babes. Nothing like some good flirt and convert

Seems like a Nerf campaign to me. Doesn't scream Sony or Console gaming though... nor do the boxes actually look right (game boxes are OK/if bland).

Would it kill anyone when they write an article to put the console, system or whatever the game will be on in the opening paragraph?

I'm not a big Star Trek fan, but the reboot opening scene with the dad holding them off so others can escape was pretty epic and very well shot, crafted. I mean they did a good job endearing the guy to us considering only knew them for a couple minutes....

Seriously one of the least great experiences in my life. Chinese people just holding their babies out, arms outstretched, to shit and pee openly on the thing, it's too jammed up to enjoy, most of the work on it has been done actually in modern times, and most places have pretty ho hum views. You'll spend hours of your

I still can't understand. Yes it's rare, yes it won't happen again for some time. But the damn thing is moving across the sun all the time. It's just our own selfish viewpoint that makes it rare. I'm much more impressed with bodies that move through wider space and circle back around like comets and things like that.

I suppose I think diff bc I'm in SE Asia...they have booth babes for everything. Selling a new OJ...babes on the street handing it out. New butt rash cream...babes on the street handing it out. The only variety really is the caliber of girl tends to reflect the budget and legitimacy of trannyer looking

The vampires are coming...must protect the profound 16-year olds of Skyrim that these ancient, wise souls connect with.

Audi, you'd think so...but there is an elite class that will buy any new tech that comes all the bored expats looking for entertainment :D

I love how these idiots get to keep speculating and gambling, but because they're part of the system they get saved every time they make a bad choice. A blind man in Jersey saw this one coming miles away.... I mean who believed it was really worth that and wouldn't fold like an improperly timed souffle out of the oven

This site idea seems like how I'd respond to things when younger. Hot Chick that's vegetarian = me not eating meat until relationship is over (thankfully grew out of that).

Now I can really be moved when Aeris dies

Was mostly joking at the notion that people love for things to be digested for them these days, but yes I could do that...or go for the one that's prettiest :D

What a nightmare in any developing country or someplace slightly outside of town. Great for those with the internet to do it, but it'd be usable about 1 hour of the day over here LOL

Can someone read this for me and post the best? There's entirely too much information there. I just want the one all the cool kids tell me to get :)

Watchmen prequels - pointless money grabbing I'll be avoiding.

If they let you make your guy sparkly and get a highschool freshman girl to write the dialogue, they can pull in the sad, lonely women market. You know, the ladies who are so profound only a man who has lived hundreds of years could possibly understand them.

I was already about to join with the half price game promo, but this completely seals the deal. Have been wanting inFamous 2 for a while...

That was kind of hard to read.