Paul Cypert

Buy and hold installs on a hard drive till you get your pro....

I remember driving through OK City (not recommended) one time and there was a huge chunk of highway just ripped clean out of the ground by one. No asphalt on the could see a clean line cutting across the fields over the highway and off again. Major damage.

These need to be priced much, much lower as I'd imagine a huge part of their success would be ability to ditch when necessary. If you can get an Extreme Q for just over 100 these things should be coming in around 30 - 50 bucks.

They pull off one movie and by most accounts muck up just about anything else they've been attached to... will wait for it to come out to pass judgement, but I'm not giddy with anticipation.

If it's digital like Steam...YAY!!!!

So fly around the world on various shopping trips buying outrageous toys while others manage it for you?

Oh man, my best friend lives in what can only be described as a step up from a hovel. Every year he gets a bonus for Xmas and buys a ludicrously overpriced glass piece of some sort. I've seen him drop 800 bucks on a piece (and then it lasts like 2 months)...

That bubbler will last all of 5 mins in the homes of most smokers.

Is every third super hero movie contractually obligated to try and jam too many baddies into it and ruin any momentum that might have been building? It's like, shit, it's the third...we might not get more let's quickly do all the things we would've wanted to do in other sequels....

No Ron W?

Yeah I was expecting a bit more. Some decoys or something. That's not so well hidden...think 'Merican snipers do a better job

He'll complete us (and slap a hater while doing it). How can you put a price on that?

Shitty thing is when you're trying to boot up and the thing decides it wants to not appear for like 30 minutes. Don't know why it can't have some kind of usb option ala the PS3 remote to charge on occasion or for battery emergencies.

He's like Darth Maul...seems cool but dies a lot earlier than you think possible.

Good lord switching blue tooth keyboards on a mac is a pain. I have two keyboards, one for travel...when one is on in the house somewhere none want to work (and don't even get me started on the older 3 battery one that requires bits of tin foil thrown down the tube to get working)....

I don't like Paper being considered "free" it adds up quickly and then is way less of a deal than many other offerings.

Of course. Not knocking at all, just to me a difference in terminology. Scientists playing with theories is great for all of us, but I'm much more excited when they do something based in reality.

Google+ and hotmail???? Who is this person who lives so far off the technology grid?

still got it's - 'Merica now. Can't be saying the full name like those liberal elitists who try to show off their fancy book learning over us regular people.

Comes up with idea for...not invent unless I see someone actually doing this. I'm sorry these theoretical discoveries are nice for grad students to play with in a lab, but until there's a person hurdling through space it's just funded Science Fiction