Paul Cypert

I'm sure there's some hope and I'm sure I'm missing points of this... but if you look at us now, we're enjoying things that were reserved for kings of the past (our meals would be better than their best feasts, cleaners, etc)...and so the rich came up with whole new levels of shit to enjoy up top to keep the distance

Predictable? Yes. Enjoyable movie? Hell yes (but I did manage to avoid all the trailers and all marketing before release so wasn't inundated). Kind of a damned if you do scenario for them...had it been balls out robot action, people would call it a Transformers special effects blockbuster clone....

Ah ok, my bad. I swore in one part of Ranma 1/2 they were doing Go. I know some anime around this time is what opened me up to Go...unfortunately I'm not a math, strategy game genius and will never approach a Dan level on it, and will consistently get my ass handed to me by teenage Japanese and Taiwanese kids online

He's saying all that for sure. I'm just saying he's being awfully naive when it comes to the shifting of the rocks. I am currently living in a developing country/area where these people are "gaining" access to more.... but as they shift so do the rich in their own direction.

The thing for me is, that would only be exciting if Whedon was doing the story for the game. Otherwise a Buffy game wouldn't be anything to get all that excited about. Buffy is buffy bc of the parts, not bc it in itself makes a generically great story or experience.

The rich are really good at keeping the non rich over to the side. He honestly thinks that new people and markets are going to emerge, but emerge better than any other rich person throughout history? No, they're going to limit the poor's access to real money (not fake money like current middle class which is still

Are they seriously going to cancel Awake? There are not one but like four swamp people type shows, three gun family shows, a show about midget bakers (maybe canceled), and Canadian versions of US shows taking up time on the airwaves. Can't a few be sacrificed to keep this going?

Yes please. And a cartoon and video game in this style as well. Thinking something like a Dark Knight RPG in a gritty indie style....

It's how hipsters dream

where's the Ok button so I can agree with your terms and conditions?

They only had 11 years to work on it. Can't expect launch stuff to be sorted when they're just rolling the games out like this...obviously a patch as you go kind of system needed with this turnaround :P

I'm playing an Engineer...or will be. I'm a hardcore Diablo fan but that internet always on thing is a deal breaker for me. Torchlight 2 for my button mashing needs then as I live in an area without reliable internet and find it ridiculous for them to force that.

Not buying I think. I really want to, but I can't support the stupid online always policy.

This reads like Indian outsourced copy. Not a joke. I deal with this daily.

I was expecting Fatale as well.

Ironically he plays only Mario and Tetris

There just aren't that many special or interesting people out there. There are a lot who think they are, and maybe they are for a specific audience, but not what I've seen.

A Jam band that regularly drinks bottles of Tequilla onstage (at least the last time I saw them Fat Tuesday in 2000 in NM) is probably not going to come up with the sharpest ticket scheme. At least they're trying.

Yeah some keywords lead me to believe this thing is expensive - NYC, design, recycled wood, Brooklyn, and it looks like something you'd get at a flea market 15 years ago which means it'll cost thousands today as the hipsters need to offset the cost of beard wax and lomo film development.