I've noticed this as a full time portrait photographer. I just naturally tend to shoot people's left sides. Very interesting that it might have some larger meaning attached.
I've noticed this as a full time portrait photographer. I just naturally tend to shoot people's left sides. Very interesting that it might have some larger meaning attached.
While I generally agree maybe it's the discipline, mental effort to get to gym consistently, etc that does the trick? I mean I kind of see modern working out being both a physical activity and a sort of meditation for most modern exercisers as it could be one of the only times one is not leaning over a phone LOL.
They might be practical, but something about the site of these just makes me want to instantly hate the person riding it. I admire and respect people for helping the environment, and props to them for being healthy. Maybe when I see them more often my distaste will fade...
I don't like the implementation, but would like to see some innovative advertising methods for websites. I want free content that's ad supported, like network TV torrented by the network, but with embedded adverts. It's a dream I know, but if we can find a happy medium with companies able to advertise, and us not put…
Look at what almost happened to Uncharted. I mean the thing is basically a long storyboard for an Indiana Jones movie...you put it in a room with some producers and it comes out a family adventurer romp????
Can someone tell me a bit more about how this compares to inFamous?
I think a GOT game would work best if it were like the single player campaign of B3. If you know you'll be switching characters a bit it'd feel like the stories. I think having the expectation that someone will fight all the way through a story in a GOT storyline makes it already feel off and generic LOL.
I think these developers have earned my trust enough to at least give the game a shot. I'm not expecting a masterpiece so I think I have room to be surprised.
I like stories that start at present, then rewind, then push past (though that device is getting way overused in modern TV lately). But I'm only interested when you know you're going back to make what happens in the moving past all the more shocking/engaging. Just going back and doing say a SW prequel without any…
Yeah, I was totally worthless...theater, then photography LOL. I've been fortunate enough to make a living doing what I love, but I would definitely have studied something different if I knew what I know now. I mean someone could at least do marketing over english LOL.
True. But that she stood out as so bad says all the more LOL. They need more crazy celebrity cameos and more fat turtle. He's not supposed to get skinny and cool :D
Oh no, now they know about a slightly varied plastic gun that shoots foam darts. Oh NOOOOOOOO. Now they'll....grow in anticipation as they wait months for an announcement and then for it to hit the stores...
I'm excited for new Spaceman and Justice League Dark.
Number 10 - this is why prequels are pointless and should really stop. We know what happens in the end, so there's not really any tension. If vader did love a girl we know he ends up vader so what the hell is the point? Plus the whole things is creepy as hell. They the space Demi Ashton?
She was like a first year theater major in Entourage. Kuddos to them for giving her a legit shot, and using a real girl added some extra layers to it all, but almost anyone they picked up could have given that performance. I read they would have changed the character if they weren't able to get her...maybe that would…
"What is it about The Hunger Games that makes people want to highlight the heck out of it?"
Yeah my company does limited stuff with Google docs so I'll just use the free 5 gigs for storing stuff with them and Dropbox can go back to all personal. I expect it to increase after 6 months to a year as well so won't ever pay for upgrade.
When most complain of lack of jobs they're talking lack of ability to get on a reality tv show, have a frivilous lawsuit, or any other activity that sees them getting something for as little as possible.
I wonder if those elements they need for the body builds that are found predominantly in China are also a factor?
And then in 5-10 years it'll be some new theory. We really have no idea. We're still glorified apes playing as smart. There's way too much we don't know about or understand to even begin to say we've figured things out. Someday this theory will be looked upon as ignorant as an Earth centered Universe....