The balls on that first batch of Asteroid miners will be huge.
The balls on that first batch of Asteroid miners will be huge.
Now I am a bit more interested. Moving to a new place and will have a projector on first floor, but actually watch most of our TV in a tiny third floor nook. Want good sound there, but the full cinema experience can be downstairs. If you really can watch without needing to ride the volume this might be the perfect…
I'm in Asia. Some of the generics can be quite good, but need to test in stores before going home. Some of the Japanese generic brands or Taiwanese ones...
Press square button to sit and stare, x to sigh, triangle calls Jacob guardian, circle bares rabbit teeth.
I remember being excited for it to come out, then really sad and immediately pushed it out of my mind once it did come out. Still waiting for my modern Simon's Quest style game.
Man I miss Santa Fe.
Tim Burton and Johnny Depp...just stop it already. You're edgy and odd we get it. The movies aren't even watchable anymore. Just please stop and free up budgets for new directors and actors.
well at least this wasn't Spartacus or we'd have a long scene of the face being eaten off :P
How does this honestly handle vocal stuff? I've had bars and box systems before and my biggest grip is that while they sound "impressive" (not good per se, but boomy and showy) in action stuff, they're absolute rubbish for any kind of vocal work. I watch mostly talking dramas and so these have always been a no-go for…
They were hoping to get a spot on Preppers I bet.
10 dollars a month for 2-3 products (lightroom, PS or Dreamweaver and flash), 20 dollars a month for 5-6, and 35 plus for the whole shabang. There I fixed it for you Adobe. Now your cloud computing will take off, pirating will drop significantly, and you'll make more money.
I don't get why these induction tops are always like 30 bucks for a single one and then any larger surface that covers 2-4 is always like an immediate jump into the thousands. It's not as attractive but at my old kitchen in Singapore we rocked a couple separate inductions as the price to get a two in one was just way…
Any guy who can't open a beer bottle with a lighter deserves to have to wear these redneck specks.
I wish devices could just play all types and we could quit having a need for things like this. How hard would a file type update be for the PS3? I mean I'm not gonna hold my breath for the Apple TV but I don't know why others aren't doing better...
Absolutely not. Stupid price point all around. When they get realistic maybe I'll consider, but then it better come with seasonal updates and goodies...I've been trained by Angry Birds.
Skin looks like those whales that roll around in the rocks to scrub their bodies....
Fugly, tacky...and not DC/Vertigo so I'm out.
So does the final challenge mean this is the end of DLC for this game?
Yes, this. What an awesome compromise for all things.
NOT interested. It wasn't that great an episode. I'm still down with them getting a half season more to go out in style...but I don't think it should be with this story line.