Stupid pricing and no photoshop???? Think not. If they did it for something more akin to a regular subscription (10 - 20 dollars tops) they'd pull in a lot more and really cut down pirating.
Stupid pricing and no photoshop???? Think not. If they did it for something more akin to a regular subscription (10 - 20 dollars tops) they'd pull in a lot more and really cut down pirating.
I'd love to play as Batgirl and Batwoman too. Would REALLY love if they could switch into new 52 style art for Batwoman. A game in the style of her first few issues would be amazing
Yes, I'd be fine with these digital models if they shifted price for a bit. Like Torchlight was only 20 dollars but can usually get for 5 or 10. Who would pirate when you can get it like that? The only ones to get it right where the record industry with digital music going cheaper. Comic books should be .99 cents and…
"I couldn't be happier."
Well to answer you and anyone else who reads this comment from my search it seems like sometime in 2013...but I'm not really sure. They could have at least had a quarter to expect it in LOL
What an odd jump in point. Without the surrounding context the writing and story aren't very impactful at all. And is this supposed to be wild behavior? Read the Glock book and these guys seem like boy least from this passage. Hell, my freshman year of college saw us getting up to bigger hi-jinks
Reminds me of the super KFC's in Bali. Large coffee lounges, stages for live bands. They are literally the place to hang if you're a local :D My friend even told me of wedding receptions....
See you get the information right there in the middle with links up top where it's natural - that's why it's a big fail for Giz
Kuddos to them for trying to follow a lead as proper journalists do. It's damned if you do damned if you don't for Gawker folks apparently. They do some non apple stories and real reporting and people give them shit for it.
Would it kill someone to post a date or at least estimated air date if there's not an official one?
I've actually had two flights do this when coming into Singapore, the last minute pulling up and re-circling I'm wondering if those pilots were also texting LOL.
I did consider that, and did give a slight hint with Global if you're looking to buy a 100 dollar chef's knife (get the 10 inch), but as I live in Asia I didn't know if the knives I would recommend would be attainable by all.
Yes! There have been a lot of "how to plant" this or that posts here that don't actually teach you to plant a thing. They're like generic ideas that will work great for someone who already knows how to garden...for those of us looking to learn, most have been woefully absent of tangible information.
This reminds me of some writing by Alice Waters where she talks about the pleasures of a fresh salad from your own garden. It's not for everyone, but I agree with her philosophy of eating "life" and freshness.
I don't understand why all this was held out for so long in the first place. I've played these already on my mac and iphone. If they're gonna make this much noise they could have some cool new thing...if even just one
Very poor recommendation. As a trained chef and food tech writer this is far from the only knife a chef needs. It's not even a good Santoku.
I love style and design as much as the next guy, but this is a big time fail...particularly since two or three uses and this thing will not look anywhere near this stylish. It's not even that well thought out a grill.
I use RSS for sites like this where the constant refreshes have made it almost impossible to read regularly. Not taking the piss...honestly I can't stand the layouts so use RSS almost solely for Gawker sites since the rebranding...
This is a lot easier than people make it out to be. Get a regular metal spoon. Poke that thing in and keep the spoon just under the shell...and the contour of the spoon will naturally follow the shape of the egg. Just slide it about halfway around and the whole thing will have come off in one nice, almost whole piece.
If there were erasing ink then yes this is real. Since there isn't, it's definitely a fake.