Paul Blart

That kind of performance will certainly raise a single large connected eyebrow.

Now wait a minute there, this is one man (Dr. Luke) who has done a horrible, unspeakable thing, and one man (the Judge) who made everything worse by basically forcing her to give up her career. What these two men did were despicable, and does not speak anything about men in general.

This tweet about Dr. Luke is my personal favorite. Especially considering Dr. Luke was one of the producers on her breakout Since U Been Gone:

I’d like to pay attention to the Kesha situation but I’m busy listening to the head of the RIAA lecture the public about how lousy fans treat artists.

They are protecting the privacy of Americans who own these phones. Tim Cook is right when he says that software to allow this is to dangerous to exist, it won’t be contained and this will lead to countries all over the world wanting their own back doors.

You don't have even the vaguest understanding of the ramifications of what the FBI wants Apple to do, do you?

What would you get for 1000 dollars less than the 13" rMBP, out of curiosity? You have, oh...299 to work with. Probably looking at an Atom system like the Stream 11 in that range, or a Chromebook.

You want one and can afford it? The decision has been squabbled over so much online there’s no need to repeat the points, but a year ago when I scanned the market for a high end 15", I found that once you match the performance, battery life, and weight of the rMBP 15", you’re probably sitting just around the rMBPs

“you want a mac”. and if not, you get something else. there’s no need for argument anymore; we all have our preferred OS’s, phones, etc. whatever works...

He asked the cop to clean it off, this guy clearly is an asshole.

You should really watch Chasing Amy and then try to say that again. Or, you know, Dogma, where he cast Alanis Morrisette as God.

You know, you have every right to dislike the guy, and dislike his work. Many people do. I’m not much of a fan of a lot of his stuff, enjoy some of his other stuff, don’t think much of the guy as a person. However, he does work really hard as a content creator, and has for a few decades. Even with the podcasts, think

Besides the fact that graphic novels are grueling and time intensive, you really seem to think the only life worth having involves working yourself to death.

I’m not sure you have ever seen one of his films, or know much about him. I’m a little embarrassed for you.

Kevin is the saddest excuse for a man ever

*which is a terrible way to live when you are in your 40s

So which is it? He’s done nothing but smoke pot and read comic books for 10 years or a guy who has made a l0t of shitty movies in that time? Because both can’t be true. You may not like his work, but it’s hard to accuse him of being listless or lazy. He works a ton.

Yeah, but he can spend his time and money anyway he wants. It would be different if he still lives with his parents and all he does is smoke weed while reading comic books. He’s employed and obviously raising his kid to be smart enough to question people. He’s also the only reason Jay is still alive.

I’m not even a fan, but he’s more successful than the vast majority of people in their forties, by a long shot. The internet’s celebrity obsession is destroying a lot more minds than weed.

whatever you think of Kevin Smith he comes off as a really great, genuinely loving dad.