Paul Blart

It’s called discipline, which you clearly have no concept of. Stupid millennials.

It’s done that for awhile.

Yes, it’s only 6S and newer.

Creepiest. Pikachu. Ever.

But based on the evidence we do have, what the biker did was unprovoked, uncalled for, and way worse than the Sentra driver’s pathetic hammer swing.

And all the people you follow are a minuscule proportion of all the creators. This behavior is the extreme minority.

Kaepernick’s “protest” is just douchy whining by a has-been. Trent Dilfer’s response is 100% accurate. Colin is putting focus on himself, not his cause, regardless of what he says. Focus should be on the team.

This is perfect.

But the biker actually caused damage. It’s easy to see a jury going easy on the Sentra driver but throwing the book at the douche biker. We have no evidence he was distracted.

And the guy didn’t even know at the time that he had it on camera. He’d only had the dash cam for a week and was still learning how to use it. He found the footage later.

I don’t see anything the Sentra driver could’ve done that would’ve warranted this response or a police report. Whether it’s not giving enough space to pass or stopping short, tough nuts. Neither of those are illegal.

The cops have this.

And you’re just being an ignorant asshole.

Major freeways don’t have those signs. At least, they don’t here in SoCal.

Too bad these “protests” are effectively useless. No one cares about their cause because of the irony of it all. If they want to actually help the cause, do something constructive. Like holding seminars for police and reaching out to the black community to teach them to respect authority figures instead of pulling a

Too bad these “protests” are effectively useless. No one cares about their cause because of the irony of it all. If they want to actually help the cause, do something constructive. Like holding seminars for police and reaching out to the black community to teach them to respect authority figures instead of pulling a

Too bad these “protests” are effectively useless. No one cares about their cause because of the irony of it all. If they want to actually help the cause, do something constructive. Like holding seminars for police and reaching out to the black community to teach them to respect authority figures instead of pulling a

...said the person who hates good Journey. You’re wrong and most people think you’re a dumbass.

The thing is you don’t even need a pass to run out the clock. Just hike it straight to the RB and have him run backwards. Passing is just stupid in that scenario.

To be fair, it was the Jags.