Paul Blart

It’s not a ROM, nor is it played on an emulator. So no.

GONNA get axed. Reading comprehension, geez.

Which is sad.

The base game is still enjoyable for millions. Whiny people on the internet are the minority.

Seriously. I caught a CP158 Paras today on the first ball.

Your point is wrong. Scale is irrelevant here. If 1% change was significant enough to make the servers stable, the decision is still justified. It’s about relative change, not quantitative change.

Doesn’t matter.

So you didn’t understand a word I said. Scale is irrelevant. It shows a dramatic drop in relative usage by ANY measure.

Size of the circle still matters. There is still skill to it. I haven’t had much trouble at all catching Pokemon since the update.

Then you can live without it. Console exclusives have been doing this for decades.

For those complaining about the graph, it doesn’t matter what the axis is. It shows a drastic, relative drop in server usage. If .1% usage was taxing their servers and .08% as a result of stopping Pokevision and such makes them more stable, then it’s still a justified decision. The amount of whiny gamers isn’t that

Cause it is.

It doesn’t matter what the axis is. It shows a drastic, relative drop in server usage. If 90% usage was taxing their servers and 88% as a result of stopping Pokevision and such makes them more stable, then it’s still a justified decision.

It doesn’t matter what the axis is. It shows a drastic, relative drop in server usage. If 90% usage was taxing their servers and 88% as a result of stopping Pokevision and such makes them more stable, then it’s still a justified decision.

It doesn’t matter what the axis is. It shows a drastic, relative drop in server usage. If 90% usage was taxing their servers and 88% as a result of stopping Pokevision and such makes them more stable, then it’s still a justified decision.

How do you know what their setup is? Maybe they already are doing that. The “cloud” isn’t infinite.

It doesn’t matter what the axis is. It shows a drastic, relative drop in server usage. If 58% usage was taxing their servers and 55% as a result of stopping Pokevision and such makes them more stable, then it’s still a justified decision.

Lol buy a real smartphone. Niantic isn’t going to bother with that minuscule market.

Unplayable FOR YOU. Most of us are still playing it just fine.

I can still find and catch Pokemon just fine. Try playing the game as intended instead of cheating.