Paul Blart

It doesn’t matter what the axis is. It shows a drastic, relative drop in server usage. If .06% usage was taxing their servers and .02% as a result of stopping Pokevision and such makes them more stable, then it’s still a justified decision.

It doesn’t matter what the axis is. It shows a drastic, relative drop in server usage. If .06% usage was taxing their servers and .02% as a result of stopping Pokevision and such makes them more stable, then it’s still a justified decision. The amount of whiny gamers isn’t that significant of a number.

And that was their own decision. Niantic didn’t force them to buy anything. It’s a F2P game.

Hi Mr. Kettle! Stop being be an asshole.

Except they are. Sorry you suck at catching Pokemon.

And those numbers aren’t a proper representation either.


Except he wouldn’t be next to me. He’d be well behind me cause he couldn’t split the lane to catch up to me.

I love dismissing idiots who don’t know what they’re talking about.

Neither is a few whiny people on Twitter the majority voice. Happy customers are vastly less likely to brag about how happy they are (unless there’s a special reason, like the Articuno couple) than unhappy customers are to complain.

Disabling diagnostic data is dumb, especially if you’re one to complain about OS bugs and crashes. Good luck getting your OS fixed if MS can’t tell what the problem is!

Uhh no. Apple hasn’t charged for macOS since Mountain Lion. And no, that BS “it’s built into the cost of the hardware” argument is invalid.

They would. But you blind haters wouldn’t know that since you don’t own an Apple Watch.

And you know this how? Oh wait, you don’t! But I know who does: THE DEVELOPER! You’re a moron.

Uhh, they did say that.

It being false is anything but fact. You literally have no evidence to back that up. This is the developer talking, the people who actually made the app.

To everyone whining, you don’t get to decide how the game should be played. Niantic is the developer; it is their choice and theirs alone. If you don’t like it, you can play another game. Whining when they take away your ability to cheat the game just makes you look like an entitled douchecanoe. Pokemon games have had

-No, it’s not third party. It is info pulled directly from the API of the app in real time without the developer’s permission. That is very illegal. An API is software by any definition.

Yes, it is the API that belongs to Niantic. They used others hacking work to gain access to it.

Not in the way everyone thinks it is. Still their own fault.