Paul Blart

Don’t be stupid.

You enjoy going 10mph everywhere?

All the entitled replies here are hilarious. I’m just a casual player so I couldn’t care less about this. I open the app when I go somewhere. I don’t open it TO go somewhere. I already go out enough. I just want the servers stable and Battery Saver Mode back.

No, PokeVision is absolutely a violation of the ToS of Pokemon Go. Niantic has every right to shut them down. PV is using a private API without permission. That information isn’t meant to be public. This is nothing like a game guide.

Except that would cannibalize Pokemon Sun/Moon sales. Not something the Pokemon Company is interested in doing.

Except the encounters would still be random in those areas.

Yes it was. It was still random where certain Pokemon would show up in those areas, exactly how Pokemon Go works.

But it was still random where Pokemon would show up WITHIN that area (I mean, unless it was one of those areas that only had like one patch of grass). Pokemon Go is still like that.

If using illegal tools make the game fun, you’re not playing for the right reasons.

So then suggest they add more Pokemon in rural areas. You know, something constructive instead of whining on the internet.

If the trailer were something legitimate to base issues off of, I feel like more people would be upset about not finding Mewtwo in Times Square. Alas, it’s just a trailer and nothing to lose your shit over.

It’s their own fault for spending money based on one feature. Most of us aren’t doing that.

The entitlement is strong with this one.

Sure you can, and it doesn’t make their view right either. She USED to be a tit streamer, but she is not anymore. No one’s ignorant opinion can change that.

Except it does matter cause Microsoft has been offering it for a year, so it’s your own fault. Sucks to be you.

That’s a lot of points, but that’s easy:

Something not mentioned in the notes: they got rid of Battery Saver Mode.

Cause it’s totally MS’s fault you procrastinated til the last minute lol

The only thing you might have to install are things like the touch panel or custom button drivers. A clean install has worked flawlessly on every old PC I’ve done it on. Still haven’t actually had to install any specific drivers. Clean install is definitely the way to go.

This deserves more stars.