
would agree if the Switch didn’t have some great at home on a big ass TV games.

Do I wish I could portably play my switch and connect to the TV like the Wii U did to have a duel screen functionality? hell yeah - would be great to play competitive games asymetrically or make games 100% wii u backwards compatible (still

The new games make it much, much easier to do. Sandwiches make it way faster to get eggs and hatch eggs. You can learn egg moves without having to actually be an egg, no items are gated behind BP, You can change your nature, get to level 100 in seconds, re-learn moves at no cost, and the game’s been throwing us six

On one hand, as a fan of voice acting I’d actually like to see a new take on these characters. Even if its largely the same as the old take- judging by the Mario Wonder trailer- I’m ready to hear a new Mario.

These are all so goofy but I love them (well the Cobalion is a little boring but I liked the horns they showed in the trailer). Loved the Applin line and Dipplin is great. I didn’t think we’d get more paradox forms for the other trio members, honestly just thought the Suicune and Virizion were because Scarlet and Viole

And thus ends the tale of Brooko Traftons, who threw the one ring into Mount Post and returned home, able to buy a house in a nice shire.

To be fair, we don’t know what stage of development this is in or for what purposes this specific one was created for. Like, remember that the team making Mario & Luigi Partners in Time for the then-unreleased DS had to make their own DS out of two GBAs and an SNES controller and that’s not at all what the finished

I feel like X and Y are increasingly falling by the wayside. This shouldn’t be the case! Maybe I’m nostalgic, but X/Y brought me back to Pokemon after not playing one since Ruby/Sapphire. The push towards full 3D was the draw, but the game world was endlessly charming, and being able to easily collect a team of Gen. 1

Clearly the Bowser from SMB was Cranky Koopa.

Her logo is a star with a lighting bolt, but the lighting bolt design on the neon signage actually reminds me of Mimikyu’s tail...

It’s an interesting idea, but it feels unlikely to me. I think if there’s a secret “pulling the strings” villain it’ll be related to whatever that spiderweb logo in the reveal trailer was, and I also think that the weird engine pokemon thingies on the starmobiles will be related to that, and those don’t really match

now i want this to happen. and she’ll induce a pile-on of her fans on you somehow 

People who play visual novels and complain that they are, in fact, visual novels are so incredibly frustrating. Please go do that to literally any other genre and leave visual novels alone.  It’s ok to just acknowledge that a genre isn’t for you and move along.

Okay, but hear me out. One tournament that’s just four versions of Rainbow Road. Pleeeeeease.

Let’s put this shit into context:

I don’t have anything poignant to add, so I’ll just say it was a lovely article.

Pretty sure both of those are packed into a box of VHS tapes in my mom’s garage.

Those are from the golden age. I probably still have mine around somewhere. 

I remember renting that DKC video from Blockbuster.

This is making me miss the truly bizarre moment in time when Nintendo actually used VHS teasers that were sent directly to Nintendo Power subscribers:

This is pretty much what I was going to say. What’s a more apt pick for a big crossover franchise, than the OC from another big crossover franchise?