
A good percentage of homeless people have completed their postgrad lit-major studies.

This is just a desperate ploy by the university and NCAA to get these players a history credit.

Hey country industry cracker (aka puppet) this is how you do it.. let people know with authority... not that limp dick style.

Habs fans currently exploring their legal options, formal charges should be filed in the morning.

What follows is by no means an endorsement of Shawn Thornton's actions.


The Man in Black performed in the Folsom County Prison and the San Quentin Prison, and interacted with the inmates with little or no security detail.
He didn't need any because he had earned the respect of some of the most hardened prisoners in the country, and he treated them like human beings, not animals in cages.

That fuck.

Probably the best bitter love song ever written. Goddamn do I love The Replacements, and yes I'm excited to hear about the "reunion."