
Thanks for allowing me this platform to once again say:

Exactly this

Tyrion really didn't need to mention the bells 6 times in 10 minutes.

“Heineken?! F*ck that sh*t!

Honestly, I’d complain about its inclusion if it sar alongside Eighth Grade, First Man, and Beale Street instead of Green Book, Bohemian Rhapsody, and Vice. But the lineup this year is so legendarily awful that I can't bring myself to fight over a movie that's better than those when it really should have been the

Total Recall.

genuinely can’t wait to hate watch this on edibles in the middle of the day and laugh like de niro in cape fear.

Solo was too safe, that’s why it sucked even though it was perfectly competent, like most Ron Howard movies, because he’s safe as gated-community houses. I feel like I should at least try to watch his autoracing movie to see if it feels like he ever drove over the speed limit (then we find out he kills hookers in his

I enjoyed most of the set pieces and the character designs, but if that kind of wankfest connect the dots fan service is your ideal storytelling, no wonder you hate The Last Jedi.

The system works.


Balls. Good luck out there Sean. Your writing was what originally drew me to the sight way back and the day and them brining you back was the only thing that kept me around this Kinja hellscape of diminishing returns. Looking forward to what you do next. Bye AV Club! You’re literally a desecrated husk of what you used

If pulling out at the last minute counts, then I have a whole bunch of children I’m not supporting.

I legitimately adore Matchstick Men. Easily my favorite Ridley Scott film after Alien.

IMDB says “Axe.” Just Axe, man.

I want a cut of Interstellar that just removes all dialogue from everything after he goes into the black hole until he wakes up. I think just making that entire portion visuals+score would have vastly improved it.