
Uhhhh excuse me but Klaus from Life Aquatic is about as good a guy as it gets (by the way this movie looks fantastic).

Without any hesitation I'd put it over Get Shorty. Jackie Brown…nah. I will throw my hat into the Soderbergh defence squad, though. And I'd agree with The Narrator that his version of Solaris is a masterpiece in my eyes. Then Che Part 1 and Traffic are pretty damn close. And when he does do genre work he seems to

Who wants a super mustache ride?!

Fair point, I mainly just wanted an excuse to talk about Haywire as it doesn't get enough praise. And as Wolfman points out above, that fight scene between Carano and Fassbender is one for the books

They already did. It's called Haywire, and it's excellent

I. Am. So. Excited. John Wick, the ballerina of death, is just the kind of mindless diversion February needs and deserves

Just a heads up that it is Dave McCary, not Drew McRary