This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.
This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.
Thank you. I’ve been really skeptical of the technology, and could never find a decent explanation anywhere. Not to mention, I’ve only ever ridden in econoboxes with that feature, so I have a fairly negative perspective.
the writing on the back is all configurable when you order. You can have nothing, or just Porsche, or just “911" or “911 Carrera S” or the whole thing.
Jo(h)n Voight is on line 2...
If we are going by the “+1" distribution among these comments, clearly people care and basically no one seems to agree with you.
What I’m saying is that a primered car isn’t “90%” complete.
I would put it slightly different. Even if one is born with an exceptional skill (God given) it still requires extraordinary amount of resources and time to reach top level.
The engine is now in front of the rear axle, and the new magnesium-housed gearbox is behind it.
1. Honda Accord
Hey there’s nothing wrong with those cars!
Driver skill!?! Damnit. I can’t find that anywhere in the JC Whitney catalog.
Do most people strap it to their wrist? I’ve always just clipped it to my life vest. Gives you more freedom to to do things like punch sharks and touch container ships.
That’s one nice vintage meme, but you should have used this one
“Are you telling me that you used my college savings . . . on a Delorean?”
First off, we’re so obsolete in the Constitution. We’re the ones that sort of were very much involved with the creation, but we’re so obsolete, we just seem to be toyed with by so many different amendments, already. And we don’t know who’s doing what. We don’t know who’s got the power, who’s got that capability, some…
Are you criticizing the wall? IT JUST GOT 10 FEET TALLER, BUDDY!
Okay, two things:
2. In Ohio, hub caps you.
And quite a few unforced errors in the first quarter of the second war.
I liked it because it went vroom vroom and was fast.
I actually met Christian once. The question of crash testing did come up. They had to provide 3 or 4 (forget the number) cars to US authorities for crash testing. He said they were complete cars minus some drivetrain / interior bits that were not required. He also said they reused some cars based on impact angles.