Paul Banta

Does Mars have enough of an atmosphere to carry any kind of sound? It'd be cool if Curiosity were mic'd up to hear the wind blowing or even the sound of its own mechanisms and wheels whirring along on the surface.

I saw this idea coming a mile away. If they did, better wait 'till after all the drooing Teryx fanboys see it first. And bring the Febreeze.

"Jurassic Park III" seemed to be a cobbled-together plot line around scenes from the first book (specifically the pteranodon attacks) they didn't have the cinematic f/x (or budget) to do well enough in the first film (or second except at the very end) and a chance to work Sam Neill's character back into the franchise

You got my vote on that idea!

"I'm still stunned they didn't use the footage as a fantasy sequence at least."

They could have had it BOTH ways for the win! Let's see if I can say this right:

"Ladies... PLEASE don't smoke the Charmin!"

You call this a sci-fi skimpies list and leave off this

This is one of my favorite articles. Not only for the over-the-top action in the clips, but how it reminds me of the kind of entertainment Professional Wrestling is in this country. It's similar in that the participant athletes are (in most cases) performing genuine stunts, are well-trained and are really putting

The idea of a space-whale threat isn't exactly new either. I saw this 1964 Belgian/American-made cartoon on tv when I was a kid. Fairly-decent animation for its time as much as I could remember of it. Although it's not Moby, in this case, the whale was the Moby runner-up: a rocket-pimped-up version of Monstro from

Oh, I'd be fine with it—as long as I had an Incredible Mister Limpet handy. You know—for close encounters?

I'm a leg man myself.

Nice to know I wasn't the only one secretly rooting for "the Bitch"

Yeah! Now you're talking some exotica erotica.

I'd be happy with the "Hot Geth" add-on to the next Mass Effect.

Seems our western culture is still too staid and inhibited for most to consider the possibilities. Most of the "monsters" I see here are still just biologically accessorized humans and fetish objects. Be bold, peolple!

I would posit out of respect for believers that when God inspired human authors to write (or transcribe) the Bible, He had a kind of "Prime Directive" in mind not to give out too many technical details. Imagine Ramses II with a nuke or the Roman Empire with bases on the Moon (or even Mars) by now; or we may have just

Several episodes of Star Trek TOS explored telekinesis too, most notably "Where No Man Has Gone Before" and "Plato's Stepchildren" Actually, the thought of Kirk with telekinetic powers is disturbing to say the least....

Referring to the "energy balls" the Enterprise would fire, those would be the tailfire of photon torpedoes (too expensive or impractical to show actual torpedoes launching I suppose), but other ships like the Romulan warbird prototype and Nomad did fire pure energy weapons like that. Also you beat me to the War of

David Lynch's 1984 version of "Dune" had definite steampunk elements in it too, but you can go back to a 1960 version of HG Wells' "The Time Machine and get a glimpse of the Moorlock's underground steampunkish tech as well (only I'd decline politely their offer to dine with them).