Paul Banta

There already was a less-"monstrous" alternative to "The Munsters" when ABC counter-programmed "The Addams Family" as a more "sophisticated" version of the sophomoric Munsters antics. A more humanized version of "The Munsters" would just be a rehash of The Addams Family without the chic.

Not clear from the article if this is supposed to be a tv series or a movie. If a tv series, it's just sad that they're shaking the re-booty can again instead of making fresh, new, programs (and then ditching most of the new ones before they can even develop, e.g. "Firefly", "Alcatraz", etc.). Besides, it seems most

Just for the fun of it I'm gonna counter-intuit and drop Irwin Allen's name in here, sit back, and enjoy the groans. It'd be interesting to see if there's anyone out there that even liked all his movies. "The Poseidon Adventure," and "Lost in Space" (the tv show, before got stupid "in-color") was about it. I WILL

You're not the only one who thought H2 reeked of recycled sulfur and brimstone, LDW ;)

John Carpenter gets a great, big, pass for "The Thing" (1982 version), which is my favorite horror film. You can have the rest though.

Cronenberg: Only "The Fly" really impressed me, but it was helped along by awesome makeup f/x, Jeff Goldblum's awesome, hyperactive portrayal of the ill-fated dipteroid, and a cool score by Howard Shore(!). The rest is late-night DVD fodder.

Coming soon to a theater near you...

Coming soon to theaters: Men Who Stare at Goats Too Long

...or LV-something. Those LV planets are bad news. -;)

Granted, "The Hobbit" will surely be awesome, but c'mon, Peter, the sooner you're done with Middle Earth, the sooner you can get your tail to England and get Temeraire's tale in the air!

This looks like the year I'll finally be investing in that Babylon 5 DVD collection I've been putting off.

The first film is even available for (relatively) free now via Xfinity On-Demand and I still avoid it like the Andromeda Strain; I'm sure my blood will turn to powder if I even catch a glimpse of the closing credits!

*signs* Ugly, ugly comment system!

Interesting how this article comes out the same month "Congo" shows up on Netflix streaming.

Now available in the solar system economy size!

Now available in solar-system economy-size!

The longer I look at this, the more I expect Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon to pop up over that dune and start dancing to a Lovin' Spoonful song.

Reply glitch.

I'm not a star, but that sure causes several ounces of root beer to blow out my nostrils via nasal winds!

Here's an interesting aside. I have a dual-screen setup for my PC. One screen is dedicated to watching movies and the other is for browsing websites (which means it's reading-intensive). Without thinking I made my browsing screen the right one (favoring the eye to the left side of the brain?) and the movie screen