Paula R. Stiles

1) Oh, believe me, I know. I worked in EMS in the 1980s, when we were still actively discouraged from too much "hand-holding" for patients. I disagreed with it even then, but that was the mainstream thought in medicine. A lot has changed.

They erred in a few areas. First, their medical treatment was good, but they were lousy at educating their patients on medical care. Lacks probably would have died, anyway (her cancer was *very* aggressive), but she delayed treatment in large part because she hated going to Johns Hopkins in the first place. It was a

If that's true, why did a whole bunch of people show up just seconds after the murder-suicide and why were so many of them sitting around listening to the Vice President incriminate himself? They couldn't have showed up a few seconds later when, you know, their agent was being attacked by a crazy guy and the VP was

Anybody can get PTSD. It doesn't have anything to do with being "weak." All it really requires are the right external conditions.

It's long been speculated that the shooting exacerbated his incipient Alzheimer's.

Yeah, that was pretty silly. If the proper number of agents had been there, no way Beth could have come in unseen like that. And I agree about letting him continue to talk. It was the most likely scenario where he'd actually be honest about his motivation for joining the conspiracy.

I enjoyed the episode. There was too much wheel-spinning recently as the bad guys continued to machinate and the good guys were too stymied for rather stupid reasons. Nice to see some forward motion and the bad guys getting a serious bloody nose for once. Of course we had to pay for it so they wouldn't go too fast, so

Well…let's just say you're liable to be happy with the beginning of this week's episode in light of your comment.

Old Who was a half-hour serial, therefore it doesn't count as an hour-long show. Even if you allowed into the comparison the fact that it was a kid's show from the UK (which produces shows along very different schedules in a very different atmosphere than the U.S.) that changed up its entire cast every few years, the

Doctor Who has only been an hour-long show for nine seasons, each of which have been much shorter than SPN's seasons. So, in the hour-long format, no, Doctor Who doesn't have Supernatural beat, even if you count the very long hiatus between Old and NuWho as if the series had been on all that time.

I take it you haven't watched this week's episode, yet.

I think this entire article is hilarious considering Ligotti probably wouldn't even have a career if you took out everything he lifted from Lovecraft—and what Lovecraft would have thought of it. That's not a hit at Ligotti, who is well-regarded for a reason. It's just plain fact.