Oy glavin
Oy glavin
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the new University of Maryland football coach.
You got yourself the beginnings of a hit song on the modern country charts there, my friend.
He needs to turn that Karl Anthony-Frown upside down.
To clarify, “sitting” while playing for Thibs means Butler will only play 41 minutes tonight.
+1 Felony misnomer
Rutgers junior linebacker Izaia Bullock
Prostate cancer is one of the most treatable and survivable. Hope you thanked her for the early detection.
I bet everyone is reeeeeally nice to you.
little rich boy over here with a scroll wheel
+XXV centimeters of disappointment
You know it's a Buffalo dildo because they all curve to the right.
Cleveland has lost three of its last four games
I bet some Sully from Waltham then took that dust and smoked it out of a lightbulb.
It is NOT an October surprise for a gubernatorial candidate to be happily taking selfies with a white nationalist and terrorist sympathizer at a Wild Wings. It’s not cute, it’s not politics as usual, it’s not strategic, it’s dangerous—and voters in Georgia need to realize that.
Wow. The Jags are so bad, they’re even having trouble handling the Bills.
Update: (hehe)
Here for this.
Come on.