Paul Acevedo

The mother is awfully hard to like. She's selfish and mean.

You should comment less.


And you're part of the group of people who say pointless things that contribute nothing to the conversation. Way to go.

I don't know what you're talking about. But you're obviously crazy and should get help. Also, blocked.

Awfully divorced from reality, though. Too Garth Ennisy for my tastes.

I think the traumatic way that Root chose to kill her was the not fully motivated part of the scene.

Hmm, I recall a conversation in which someone asks Diane why she keeps going back to Bojack. I liked their chemistry in Season 1, although by Season 3 we know the show is certainly saying that Bojack is not a good match for anyone.

I still wonder why it matters that Bojack slept with Emily if Todd was never going to?

You really didn't know the word impotent? Besides the primary sexual meaning, it also means to want to do something but be unable to act upon it. "Impotent rage" is one such use of the word.

That thread was never resolved. I initially thought that Ana might've killed her.


Didn't they drop hints that she might have a lingering thing for Bojack this season?

Bojack Horseman Season 3, now in theaters!

Eh, (like the reviewer) I was happy to see the store again. Not one of the show's strongest jokes, but at least it called back to a previous episode.

I don't buy that Bojack did anything wrong to Todd by sleeping with Emily, other than not confessing to it earlier. Todd was not going to sleep with Emily and is apparently incapable of being in a romantic relationship. He does not own Emily - she's her own person and has the right to have sex with anyone she wants.


It's a little slow to start, but there's plenty of payoff. Not evening watching past the pilot is exactly how not to give a show a chance. Imagine where Star Trek: The Next Generation would be if people had given up after Encounter at Farpoint.

Why do you say that?

Manga is a comic book originating from Japan or nearby countries. Japanimation is an antiquated term for anime, Japanese cartoons, although I used to enjoy saying it, back in the day.