Paul Acevedo

She doesn't deserve to watch it because she took naughty pictures once.

Five episodes in, I'm still hoping she gets some scenes in the story's present in which she isn't hysterical. I feel for her, but sometimes it's a bit much.

I sure hope this show's soundtrack gets a release as well.

Spoiler warning maybe? This is a review of episode 3 and some of that hasn't happened yet.

She also reminds me of Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta.

You shouldn't advocate for violence like that. Such a position is literally dumb, not the opposite position.

You're better off without her anyway.

You're very wrong and don't seem to learn when information proving that is presented to you. You should work on your discussion skills.

He was being pretty clever, yes.

You wonder if they were crickets?

Swing and a miss…

That would be Super… 8. Nope, it would stink.

That's orange and teal color grading.

I'll happily block you back since you're apparently an idiot.

He made a good point - you just didn't like it.

You should comment less. And stop making people block you. What good does that do anyone, besides the people who have to block you?

I wouldn't want to risk damaging your brain any further. Ah, the Block feature is nice.

Liberalism and conservatism doesn't enter into it. Either you're a racist or you're not. And if you do want to be such a vile thing, you might as well keep it to yourself so that everyone doesn't tell you to shut up.

Right back atcha, kid.

He misunderstood the Angels coming back, but otherwise he's following it fine. Besides that, not fully understanding or misunderstanding something in a show that's literally filled with mysteries and setups that don't pay off in the same episode is not especially unusual.