Paul Acevedo

The problem with that aspect in Season 1 is nearly every little street thug Matt came across gave him a run for his money. He's a superhero with mild powers and years of training, and he should have an advantage against generic thugs. Season 2 fixed that in a big way. But like you said, the ninjas did lose much of

Then again, we got to see Flash fight Killer Shark. Let me know when Daredevil gives us anything like that.

Wrong episode.

That's an opinion, alright.

You should comment less.

Her nipple has been digitally removed. It's weird looking.

Says you, buddy.

Could also just be a Punisher War Zone reference.

"My argument is not easily defensible and I don't possess a strong ability to use my words."

The problem is he hasn't even really been Jay Garrick, much less other classic heroes. Just this pale shadow of Jay.

Brilliant! :D

And their hair color!

I've never heard him called that, but I actively avoid Fox News-types.

What socialist overlord? That doesn't tell me much. Also, it's not just Cap who was referred to by a vague, non-committal nickname.

Any enjoyable story is worth experiencing, whether it lasts 45 minutes or 600.

I know people refer to Obama as "The black dude from Hawaii" and Putin as "That Russian mobster" all the time. Really, someone might just call them that offhand, but it's way more common to refer to them by name.

Why do you keep saying the wrong number of episodes? And either solution is more valid than what has actually happened with the two released shows so far.

The seasons are 13 episodes long. And since the showrunners don't seem to actually have 13 episodes worth of continuous story for Daredevil S1 and especially Jessica Jones S1, separate stories would better fill out the season than obvious wheel-spinning.

Whether they need the references or not is another issue. You just asked why people don't like the ones we've gotten; it's because they're done poorly.