
I would like to see less styling on Reddit. Making it as pure as possible. The closest thing to source code, something like that. I’m not talking about some kind of movie hackers interface but something rough and basic. It would fit Reddit.

It’s very easy to understand. Just watch the first five minutes of The Majastic and you’ll know.

Wow! Minecraft keeps surprising me for its possibilities.

Looks like another tool to build the real Matrix.

Forgot to say that it seems like hes getting iron from sand. Looking forward to his next upload where he casts his first knive.

This guy is my personal off-the-grid hero! I follow him since his first video and every month I look forward to see his newest upload. Top 5 YouTube channel for me. Would live to see a new video every week but you have to respect the quality of his uploads. Doesnt get better than this.

I didn’t read all 70 replies but how about Chesley Bonestell? He didn’t like to draw people but some artwork does contain astronauts and was used by NASA as inspiration.…