
Excuse me. First and foremost is the simple law that the government came up with, moron. Telemarketers ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK THE DNC Register “BEFORE” THEY CALL A NUMBER. Stop acting so holier than thou. For you to actually say that no one wants to do this job, totally sickens me. *WAAAH* They just need the money to

This is what I left out of my first response to this person. If you can honestly tell me that taking money from people that really could not afford it, made you feel good. Which you also obviously took food out of their children’s mouths, then you have a problem that really needs to be looked into. That goes for ALL

Dude. In this country, if you are on the “Do not call registry” then telephone sales to you ARE, IN FACT, NOT LEGAL. It isn’t “Telephone sales should be against the law.” They are! If it gets approved. Read my response to Suptin’sDead. He supposedly was a telemarketer for 12 years or more.


I am so sorry. I kinda sorta did what most people did on here. I got lost in what I wanted to say. So I almost totally got off her comments. I think I brought them up once. Now, I am going to piss her off.
