Paul S

So... will they be redubbing the English lines in P3 that were originally performed by that one voice actor who should not be named?

What is this, 1997?

Oh look, the cryptobros have shown up.

Before Spirits Within bombed, Squaresoft was trying to get into the special effects, CGI contracting business. Even made that one Matrix short.

Redditor’s nightmare.

Make a wrestling game with negative crowd chants:

It’s Event Hubs, the community there has always been shit.

Now playing

The original Assassin’s Creed on PC did this shit 14 years ago, and people hated it back then too.

That’s nothing.

And now we have the LEAST surprising story of the year.

The Phil Spector of the Internet is dead.

I can’t help but suspect it’ll be something underwhelming like EMMI from Metroid Dread.

Sounds like a TikTok fad.

License plate that reads HLK 181.

Now playing

You know what? I’ll just leave this here.

It might be that no one wants to acknowledge the existence of that awful game, but that second Cammy costume comes from Final Fight Streetwise of all places. Yes, she was in that, and yes, that’s what she was wearing. Perhaps the only good thing about that game.

I have a large collection myself with some rare titles and the reason why I own them is so that I can share them with others. I like being the guy who gives others a chance to enjoy themselves and to try out games they’ve only heard about. It’s why I lend out systems as well for the local fight nights. If I can help

Might as well hire the Pinkertons while they’re at it.