Paul S

The amusing thing is the fucksticks that respond to that saying that they won’t sell any games and that their stuff will be pirated.

Watching the videos, you can actually see the five stages of grief proceed in real time.

Oh well.

It’s easy in retrospect to see all the factors that led to the 2010's being the shitshow that they were in our circles. The rhetoric from the likes of Joe Liberman and Jack Thompson that led to the creation of a hyper-defensive mindset that saw any criticism as an attack. Chan-culture’s preoccupation with edgy and

King of the futurists. He pretty much dictated to kids of my generation on what things would look like.

There’s a link above to an older article on Mead’s influence on Mass Effect. The designs in the series were pretty much a love letter to him.

If it wasn’t for the Disney buyout, Kinect Star Wars might of ended up marking the whimpering end of the franchise. Yeah, all your old Expanded Universe stuff would still be out there and we wouldn’t have shitheads complaining about the new films endlessly... but decades of material would of been bookended by Han Solo

I didn’t get a PlayStation until January 1999, it was playing the Metal Gear Solid demo at my girlfriend’s place that got me back into console gaming after sticking with PC gaming after the decline of the SNES. But it was the level of immersion that MGS put on display is what really drew me in, I had to play more of

The price insures that no “average” people who’ve watched too much television can afford it.

By the way, if you just read off a list of winners before the show properly starts, then you can’t call it a goddamn awards show.

I’m curious to know who they recasted Eli with since Robert Guillaume is no longer with us.

S3x Panda99's slack-jawed expression was way too on-point.

I’ve found small water snakes in the high school I used to clean. They look like shoelaces at first, snappy little things. A claw extender and a bucket worked best to take them back outside.

I like to think it’s an abandoned mini golf course.

Oh, Kelly Turnbull’s been busy:

It’s Daikatana all over again.