Did someone bring up grizzled old gay veterans?
Death Stranding?
Don’t Buy This: Five of the Worst Games Ever on the ZX Spectrum was a collection of five awful games that were submitted to publisher Firebird Software in the UK, who put them on one cassette and actively encouraged customers to pirate it.
If you think older games are hard to figure out without the manual, try playing old Infocom games without the “feelies” that were included in the box.
Christ, it doesn’t seem that long ago when 1000 polygons was considered excessive for a character model... and now I’m in amazement on how Kratos’ eye is reflecting and refracting the light.
Put this in as an alt costume, you cowards.
Her bio says she’s 39.
Hideo Kojima’s about to make you his bitch.
“Here’s your d-pad, assholes. Now stop asking.”
I get the impression that the people upset at the removal of these textures are also the ones who are most likely to sincerely begin a sentence with “I’m not racist, but...”
The number of people genuinely upset about this article is depressing, yet unsurprising.
At least it’s not her SCIV costume.
No malware. No asset flipping. No excessive achievements. No trading card shenanigans. No bigotry.
Loved this part. One of my favorites along with “digging up the past” and the story of Aterus’ namesake.
When Quake Champions was announced, this was one of my biggest wishes.
Artist is Koto Inari.
They need to get Slowbeef to record voice lines.