Paul S

Remembering the classics.

Well, I’ll be seeing that in my nightmares.


You have a funny way of saying Convoy no Nozo.

Looks like the cases also don’t have the region tabs, making these Super Famicom compatible as well.

You know the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Darmok”?

Almost like my niece, right down to the friendly cat hanging around.

Too pure for this, or any other world.

I find that when I play F.A.N.G at the local game night, I tend to do better for the reasons stated: few players develop proper methods to counter him. It also doesn’t hurt that the with his moveset, one of the best strategies when using him is to be as obnoxious as possible. Keep moving. Use the multi-hit normals.


He’s also only 18. We’re looking at a legend in the making.

Not enough that he bagged Haggar’s daughter, but now he’s also after his job.

Anything to invalidate Final Fight Streetwise.

I’m seeing rumors of Cody being the new mayor of Metro City.

Man, I live in Columbus. We learned a long time ago to stay the hell away from Ohio State during football season.

Now if I could only stick in a PS2 disk and actually have it play it...

Perhaps they can avoid having the tearful acceptance speech of a grieving father followed by the antics of someone dressed up as a giant disposable razor.

I worked maintenance at a high school for four years, and it’s an unending struggle to keep the place clean. Got a bunch of sick kids, huh? Well, time bleach everything.

A lot of the new ones are headmasters now. I recently went on a bit of a binge when I noticed new toys for the characters I liked as a kid. Really weird, it came out of nowhere.

Squad E