Paul S

I’m seeing rumors of Cody being the new mayor of Metro City.

Man, I live in Columbus. We learned a long time ago to stay the hell away from Ohio State during football season.

Now if I could only stick in a PS2 disk and actually have it play it...

Perhaps they can avoid having the tearful acceptance speech of a grieving father followed by the antics of someone dressed up as a giant disposable razor.

I worked maintenance at a high school for four years, and it’s an unending struggle to keep the place clean. Got a bunch of sick kids, huh? Well, time bleach everything.

A lot of the new ones are headmasters now. I recently went on a bit of a binge when I noticed new toys for the characters I liked as a kid. Really weird, it came out of nowhere.

Squad E

Tuesday nights, the Donatos at OSU. Show everyone just how free you are.

Dude, Jinmaster used to live here for a while. Everyone’s a saint compared to him.

Many years ago I worked for a data/voice cabling company. All my coworkers were surprised that I was still unmarried and childless at 20.

You made a bootleg NiGHTS.

Secret Origins #10, and I own this one as well... and it is fantastic. It was over 15 years back when I really started to get into the character, so I picked it out of the back issues of my local comic book store. When the owner of the store saw it, he told me that when he started selling comics and put his own

Ah, Kia Asamiya. Was wondering what he’s been up to these last few years...

each figure is based on an individual BlizzCon attendee’s actual in-game character.

We regret to inform you the cat is racist.

They all look like Quake marines.

Like Zippy the Pinhead, I like mine scrambled.

Memories of Easter morning in my grandmother’s living room.