Paul S


Never said I was.

A big problem is that there really isn’t many other retailers that will carry titles that aren’t from the big publishers and AAA productions. There are smaller local stores, but even they are (understandably) risk-adverse to the point of being hesitant to stock up on more niche titles without pre-orders or a clear

I find that I often end up making women that are tall, have serious muscle tone and definition, very pale skin (paper white if possible) and short, black hair.

That’s the first thing that came to my mind as well. Looking at these pictures, I just can’t help to think about that Dallas penthouse office.

So it’s like playing the Gunslinger from the original Westworld.

Well, Roberta Williams would say that you were a low-income simpleton who watched too much television... and that’s why you didn’t like Sierra titles.

I see the creator is a big fan of René Descartes’ Meditations on Monster Fucking. I fap, therefore I am.

Seriously, they were making over $1000 a second in that rush. It was incredible to watch.

Highlight was using TASbot to enable streaming video on an SNES (with help from a pair of NESes processing the audio input), showing off runs of Super Mario 64, Portal and running Skype in real time. It actually made me wonder if that was the canceled SNES CDrom expansion would of looked like.

Digging the 80's Nintendo arcade design that Spring Man has.

Impact, the cousin no one likes to talk about.

Fixed AoE spells that were causing splash damage to caster. As hilarious as it was to watch newbie wizards blow themselves up ultimately it was decided that this is not conducive to a welcoming environment.

Nothing makes a session more uncomfortable when any of the players or the GM begins to insert their own sexual fantasies and fetishes into the game. I came for an adventure, not to learn about your self-insert genderswaped personal harem or whatever. No. Just... no.

An old family friend, Jeff Carlisle, is also fond of making works like this.

Just one? Mega City One has seen worse and survived.

Oh, I know. Difference is that cocktail cabinets are designed to be played while sitting down (unless you put them on risers), when what I’m thinking about requires players to stand around the machine. Games that were designed to be played in such a way that would require a table-based cabinet. Such as Quadrapong or