Paul S

Presuming it was real, why would they stick it in a Field and Stream? If you’re putting it in Dayton, at least go for Wright-Patterson, the Air Force Museum, the airshow or even Hanger 18 for a laugh.

That first clip is right out of NBA Jam.

Orange, useless and followed by fanatics.

I’ve long felt that what is perhaps HL2's greatest strength is that with each chapter, a new aspect of gameplay is introduced. It could be a new weapon, a vehicle or an ability. Each leg of the game is thoroughly distinctive from each other. And then the player is given ample opportunity to become accustomed to and

We didn’t need to see your giant, rock-hard cock.

Took the words right out of my mouth. SR2 was just silly enough that it didn’t bash the outlandish parts over your head... the wacky bits stood out well enough on their own without the game putting too much attention on them. Not to mention that it stayed within the confines of its genre; you didn’t really need

I smell next week’s shop contest!

Swedish Chef

This just makes me want to see a celebrity tournament in SFV or any other fighter.

Here you go, right off Capcom’s channel.

Professionals at work.

No, his name is Skippy.

Seeing more of Bruce makes me think of Matt Wagner’s Batman stories, which I love. Some of the best writers know that somewhere between the public facade of Bruce Wayne and the brooding intensity of Batman, you’ll find the real Bruce. The one, if you will, that isn’t wearing either mask.

An old part of me keeps wanting to load PlanetQuake.

In God of War Ascension when Kratos gets the Amulet of Uroborus, I swear it looks like he’s shoving it up his ass after the cutscene ends.

Looking back, I can see that the Police Quest games had really bad writing and that Sonny Bonds was Jim Walls Marty Sue.

You look at the Super Famicom and PSX lists and you can tell that the 90's was the golden age of console RPGs.

No kidding. Reminds me of one time I was playing SFIV as Sagat against a pretty skilled Ryu player. At one point he fired off a shinku hadoken and in that split-second moment I decided to burn off an EX tiger uppercut in the hopes that the fireball would pass through my invulnerability frames. Not only did it work,