Paul S
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That reflective, plastic sheen. I've seen it before...

Now playing

That reflective, plastic sheen. I've seen it before...

Favorite bit of James Cameron trivia: he worked on the matte paintings in Escape From New York.

Isn't that the stand in social network used in Law and Order?

God damn you.

His glasses are only frames, therefore his arguments are invalid!

You earned those stars.

If you think that was gut wrenching, go find her short comic "Don't Cry For Me, I'm Already Dead."

If by sweet, you mean crying your eyes out. She's the one behind "I Remember You."

I just know which articles are going to bring out the Columbus readers.

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Ridley should only be included with a Slowbeef voice pack.

Unless Samus' magic glowing stilettos can do this, they can't really be compared to Raiden's prosthetic feet.

This is why I keep a clock on my desk set to GMT.

Part of me wishes I knew about this so I could pull out the old Faust costume.

Minecraft has replaced all sounds with villager themed noises. Fun at first, but really gets annoying. Also, I think my save game is now corrupted.

Check again.