Sums it up.
Sums it up.
Let's be honest: the first time you saw one, your first though was just how damn big the thing was.
Yeah, old Sierra games.
Hi, I live in Columbus, Ohio and I would like to dispute your statement...
I still have my original VCS that my family got over 31 years ago. Still works, of course it's not that complex of a device in the end.
This is from the attract mode of Bloodstorm, the crummy follow-up to Time Killers. Yeah, the game hasn't even started and we see an old man with his guts spilling out. In the game itself, there's decapitations, dismemberments, disembowelments, people getting impaled and smeared on giant stalagmites, and you can even…
Survival Arts is a deservedly forgotten MK clone without shame, or quality. I only saw it once in an arcade nearly 20 years ago, and never saw another cab for it since. When the mentality back then was "the more gore the better," they really did try too hard. People getting sliced in half vertically, revealing a…
You might remember the old RSAC rating system with the thermometers. They upped the gore factor just so they could have the first game to rate a 4 on the violence scale, where as the Doom series and the like only scored a three.
Tammany Hall sounds like it has the friendship destroying power of Diplomacy.
It's funny how I've come to associate high-gloss curved surfaces with cgi. Had to remind myself that those were actual photos and not renders.
There was also those awful "switch" ads and the release of the iMac which really began Apple's period of being condescending douchebags to their userbase and potential customers, pushing the Mac as the computer for those too ignorant, incompetent, high or just plain stupid to use a PC. Just look at the damn ads.
Damn, I had that idea years ago.
Only with Platinum Games would a combination saya/assault rifle not seem out of place.
Not a good week for the Big K.
Keep squawking, parrot.
Keep squawking, parrot.