Using cheats to blow away scientists in the first few levels of the original Half-Life was a right of passage for anyone who owned the game.
Using cheats to blow away scientists in the first few levels of the original Half-Life was a right of passage for anyone who owned the game.
I've already made a Famicom to NES converter from an old Gyromite cart, I've cut away the tabs on my SNES... let's do this shit.
Edgeworth vs. Tim Langdell.
Cry some more!
I miss Frank Miller being sane.
I'm sure the cop asked him about it first.
It's a fighter, not a FPS.
As a very young kid, the concept of "look both ways" was repeatedly hammered into my brain as soon as adults realized that I understood speech. More then anything else.
That gravestone is actually more tasteful then the ones I've seen in the cemetery of a white trash small town.
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Well, had no interest in buying the game anyway...
I propose that Kotaku adopt a dislike option for comments.
Perhaps this will explain why the clerks tried to convince me not to buy God Hand. IGN reading idiots.
Time to play "Capcom Complaint Bingo!" Get five, trite, worn-out backhanded comments in a row and you win ire and disdain!
I was at a game store yesterday that had a loose copy marked for $199. There was also a complete boxed copy for $500. I don't go to that store very often.
Here come the parrots!
"Not as bad" is still bad. Try to keep that in mind, kids.
It would of been retooled into a dancing game anyway.