Paul Kopacko

Hilarious! Best laugh I’ve had in quite some time! This is the best you can come up with to bash the president? Make fun of the death of a service member? And his grieving widow? Do you feel like a big man now? Whatever you have to tell yourself to salve your deranged mental state I suppose. Keep on drinking the

Oh good Lord you people are childish, disgusting and pathetic. Speak with a tone frustration if you must but keep the conversation civil if at all possible. Without the exact transcript of the conversation I don’t know exactly what was said, but knowing how antagonistic many of you who disagree with the proposed

This nothing more than an attempt at retribution coupled with the hope of getting an unjustified payoff from the taxpayers on the part of this girl and her guardian. She was told three times to leave the area as the police were attempting get some control and order of the situation. She and her friends didn’t leave.